Creating a segment with the “lookalike” type

Creates a “lookalike” segment with the specified parameters.

  1. Request syntax
  2. In the request body
  3. Response format

Request syntax

In the request body

    "segment" : {
        "name" :  < string > ,
        "lookalike_link" :  < integer > ,
        "lookalike_value" :  < integer > ,
        "maintain_device_distribution" :  < boolean > ,
        "maintain_geo_distribution" :  < boolean > 
Parameters Description
segment The segment with the specified parameters.
name Segment name.
lookalike_link ID of the segment that the created segment should be similar to.
lookalike_value The degree of “similarity”. Accepts the values 1 2 3 4 5.

Distribute users by device type. Acceptable values:

  • true — The distribution of users by device type is maintained, if possible.
  • false – The distribution of users by device type is ignored.

Default value: true.


Distribute users by city. Acceptable values:

  • true — The distribution of users by city is maintained, if possible.
  • false – The distribution of users by city is ignored.

Default value: true.

Parameters Description
segment The segment with the specified parameters.
name Segment name.
lookalike_link ID of the segment that the created segment should be similar to.
lookalike_value The degree of “similarity”. Accepts the values 1 2 3 4 5.

Distribute users by device type. Acceptable values:

  • true — The distribution of users by device type is maintained, if possible.
  • false – The distribution of users by device type is ignored.

Default value: true.


Distribute users by city. Acceptable values:

  • true — The distribution of users by city is maintained, if possible.
  • false – The distribution of users by city is ignored.

Default value: true.

Sample request


Response format

    "segment" :  < _lookalike_segment > 
Parameters Description
segment The segment with the specified parameters.
Parameters Description
segment The segment with the specified parameters.