Get the number of issues

Use this request to find out how many issues meet the criteria in your request.

Request format

To get the number of issues that meet certain criteria, use an HTTP POST request. The search criteria are passed in the request body in JSON format:

POST /v2/issues/_count?
Authorization: OAuth <OAuth token>
X-Org-Id: <organization ID>

"filter": {
    "<field name>": "<field value>"
  "query": "filter query"
Parameters passed in the request body
Parameter Description Format
filter Parameters for filtering issues. The parameter can specify any field and value to filter by. Object
query A filter using the query language. String
Parameter Description Format
filter Parameters for filtering issues. The parameter can specify any field and value to filter by. Object
query A filter using the query language. String

Request for the number of issues with additional filtering options:

  • Uses the HTTP POST method.

  • The response should only contain the number of issues from the “JUNE” queue that don't have an assignee.

POST /v2/issues/_count HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth <OAuth token>
X-Org-Id: <organization ID>
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "filter": {
    "queue": "JUNE",
    "assignee": "empty()"

Response format

The response contains the number of issues that meet your request criteria.


Possible response codes

The request was successful.