Setting bids

Uses the cURL utility

The example shows how to implement custom bid management using the KeywordBids.setAuto method. All keywords in the campaign are assigned a bid on search that is equal to the bid for the traffic volume of 75 plus 10%, which corresponds to premium impressions.

To use this example, specify the OAuth token and ID of the campaign where you are setting bids. For a request on behalf of an agency, also specify the client login.

curl \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'Client-Login: CLIENT_LOGIN' \
  -d '{ "method": "setAuto",
  "params": {
      "KeywordBids": [{
          "CampaignId": CAMPAIGN_ID,
          "BiddingRule": {
              "SearchByTrafficVolume": {
                  "TargetTrafficVolume": 75,
                  "IncreasePercent": 10
Note. For cURL in Windows, replace all single quotes with double quotes, and escape double quotes in JSON code. For example: -d "{\"method\"...