

To manage unified performance groups, use the URL:

You can't add groups to an archived campaign.

Maximum of 1000 groups per method call.

To get the limit on the number of ad groups in a campaign for an advertiser, use the method Clients.get or AgencyClients.get (see the ADGROUPS_TOTAL_PER_CAMPAIGN element in the Restrictions array).


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "add",
  "params": { /* params */
    "AdGroups": [{  /* AdGroupAddItem */
      "Name": (string), /* required */
      "CampaignId": (long), /* required */
      "RegionIds": [(long), ... ], /* required */
      "NegativeKeywords": { /* ArrayOfString */
        "Items": [(string), ... ] /* required */
      "NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds": { /* ArrayOfLong */
        "Items": [(long), ... ] /* required */
      "TrackingParams": (string),
      "MobileAppAdGroup": {  /* MobileAppAdGroupAdd */
        "StoreUrl": (string), /* required */
        "TargetDeviceType": [( "DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE" | "DEVICE_TYPE_TABLET" ), ... ], /* required */
        "TargetCarrier": ( "WI_FI_ONLY" | "WI_FI_AND_CELLULAR" ), /* required */
        "TargetOperatingSystemVersion": (string) /* required */
      "DynamicTextAdGroup": [{  /* DynamicTextAdGroupAdd */
        "DomainUrl": (string) /* required */,
        "AutotargetingCategories" : [{  /* AutotargetingCategoriesAdd */
          "Category" : ( "EXACT" | "ALTERNATIVE" | "COMPETITOR" | "BROADER" | "ACCESSORY" ) /* required */,
          "Value" : ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        }, ...]
      }, ...],
      "DynamicTextFeedAdGroup": [{  /* DynamicTextFeedAdGroupAdd */
        "FeedId": (long) /* required */,
        "AutotargetingCategories" : [{  /* AutotargetingCategoriesAdd */
          "Category" : ( "EXACT" | "ALTERNATIVE" | "COMPETITOR" | "BROADER" | "ACCESSORY" ) /* required */,
          "Value" : ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        }, ...]
      }, ...],
      "CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroup": {  /* CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroupAdd */
      "CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroup": {  /* CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroupAdd */
      "CpmVideoAdGroup": {  /* CpmVideoAdGroupAdd */
      "SmartAdGroup": {  /* SmartAdGroupAdd */
        "FeedId": (long), /* required */
        "AdTitleSource": (string),
        "AdBodySource": (string)
      "UnifiedAdGroup" : {
        "OfferRetargeting" : ("YES"|"NO") /* required */
      "TextAdGroupFeedParams" : {  /*TextAdGroupFeedParamsAdd */
                "FeedId" : (long) /* required */,
                "FeedCategoryIds" : {
                    "Items" : [ (long) ] /* required */
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
AdGroups array of AdGroupAddItem The groups to add. Yes
AdGroupAddItem structure
Name string The name of the ad group (from 1 to 255 characters). Yes
CampaignId long ID of the campaign that the group is being added to. Yes
RegionIds array of long

Array of IDs of regions where ad impressions are enabled or disabled. The array must contain at least one item.

The ID "0" indicates to display ads in all regions.

A minus sign before a region ID disables impressions in this region. For example, [1,-219] indicates to display for Moscow and the entire Moscow area, except Chernogolovka. Minus regions can't be used if 0 is set. The array must not consist of only minus regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.
NegativeKeywords ArrayOfString

Array of negative keywords that are shared by all the keywords of an ad group.

Restriction. Negative keywords are not allowed in a group of display ads with targeting criteria based on a user profile.

A keyword should be specified without the minus sign before the first word.

Maximum of 7 words per keyword. The maximum length of each word is 35 characters. The maximum combined length of negative keywords in the array is 4096 characters. Spaces, dashes, and operators are not counted as part of the total length.

Note. Negative keywords that are shared for all a campaign's ad groups should preferably be set in the campaign parameter of the same name.
NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds ArrayOfLong

IDs of sets of negative keywords. Maximum of 3 items in the array.

To get set IDs, use the NegativeKeywordSharedSets.get method.

Restriction. Negative keywords are not allowed in a group of display ads with targeting criteria based on a user profile.
TrackingParams string

GET parameters for tracking traffic sources that are added to the link of all ads in the group (maximum of 1024 characters). May contain substitution variables.

For example: from=direct&ad={ad_id}

Image ads, dynamic ads, and smart banners. However, currently it's only used for groups of dynamic ads and smart banners.

MobileAppAdGroup MobileAppAdGroupAdd Parameters of ad groups for mobile app ads. No
DynamicTextAdGroup DynamicTextAdGroupAdd Parameters of a group of dynamic ads. No
DynamicTextFeedAdGroup DynamicTextFeedAdGroupAdd Parameters of a group of dynamic ads with the FEED subtype. No
CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroup CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroupAdd Parameters for a group of display ads with keywords. To create such a group, specify an empty CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroup structure. No
CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroup CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroupAdd Parameters for a group of display ads with targeting criteria based on a user profile. To create such a group, specify an empty CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroup structure. No
CpmVideoAdGroup CpmVideoAdGroupAdd Parameters of a group of display video ads (in a “Display campaign” campaign type). To create such a group, specify an empty CpmVideoAdGroup structure. No
SmartAdGroup SmartAdGroupAdd Parameters for ad group of smart banners. No
UnifiedAdGroup UnifiedAdGroupAdd Parameters of a unified performance group: See Ad group typewhen calling finance methods. No
TextAdGroupFeedParams TextAdGroupFeedParams Image ads group. No
MobileAppAdGroupAdd structure
StoreUrl string

Link to the app in AppStore or Google Play (maximum of 1024 characters). The link must contain the protocol. Not editable.

See Link to App in Store in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Restriction. All ad groups in the same campaign must have the same app link.

If groups with different app links were previously created in the campaign, then you are allowed to specify the app link that is shown in your campaign settings in the Yandex Direct web interface.

TargetDeviceType array of DeviceTypeEnum Which devices to show ads on:
  • DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE — smartphones

  • DEVICE_TYPE_TABLET — tablets

TargetCarrier CarrierEnum Which types of internet connections to show ads on:
  • WI_FI_ONLY — only Wi-Fi
  • WI_FI_AND_CELLULAR — cellular internet and Wi-Fi
TargetOperatingSystemVersion string The minimum OS version to display the ad on. For example, 2.3.
Note. If the minimum OS version in the app store is higher than the one set in this parameter, ads are displayed only for OS versions equal to or higher than the one in the app store.
DynamicTextAdGroupAdd structure
DomainUrl string The domain name of the site to generate dynamic ads for (a maximum of 100 characters). The protocol can be omitted. Yes
AutotargetingCategories array of AutotargetingCategoriesAddItem Targeting categories to be added. No
DynamicTextFeedAdGroupAdd structure
FeedId long ID of the feed on the basis of which dynamic ads must be generated. Yes
AutotargetingCategories array of AutotargetingCategoriesAddItem Targeting categories to be added. No
AutotargetingCategoriesAddItem structure
Category AutotargetingCategoriesEnum

Targeting category:

  • EXACT: The targeted queries. The ad matches user queries.
  • ALTERNATIVE: Alternative queries. The user is looking for a product that can be replaced by the advertised product. The ad might also match the query in this case.
  • COMPETITOR: Queries mentioning competitors. Searching competitors for the advertised product.
  • BROADER: Broad queries. Queries showing interest in a product exemplified by the ad.
  • ACCESSORY: Related queries. Queries for products that might interest the user in relation to the advertised product or service.
Value YesNoEnum The flag indicating that the specified targeting category is enabled. All targeting categories are enabled by default. Yes
SmartAdGroupAdd structure
FeedId long The ID of the feed to use for generating smart banners. Yes
AdTitleSource string The name of the feed element to use for the ad title. If omitted, the title is generated automatically. No
AdBodySource string The name of the feed element to use for the ad text. If omitted, the text is generated automatically. No
UnifiedAdGroupAdd structure
OfferRetargeting YesNoEnum Indicates that offer retargeting is enabled. Yes
TextAdGroupFeedParamsAdd structure
FeedId long ID of the feed on the basis of which Text & Image ads must be generated. Yes
FeedCategoryIds ArrayOfLong

Image ads must be generated.

If no category IDs are specified, all categories from the feed are used.

Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
AdGroups array of AdGroupAddItem The groups to add. Yes
AdGroupAddItem structure
Name string The name of the ad group (from 1 to 255 characters). Yes
CampaignId long ID of the campaign that the group is being added to. Yes
RegionIds array of long

Array of IDs of regions where ad impressions are enabled or disabled. The array must contain at least one item.

The ID "0" indicates to display ads in all regions.

A minus sign before a region ID disables impressions in this region. For example, [1,-219] indicates to display for Moscow and the entire Moscow area, except Chernogolovka. Minus regions can't be used if 0 is set. The array must not consist of only minus regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.
NegativeKeywords ArrayOfString

Array of negative keywords that are shared by all the keywords of an ad group.

Restriction. Negative keywords are not allowed in a group of display ads with targeting criteria based on a user profile.

A keyword should be specified without the minus sign before the first word.

Maximum of 7 words per keyword. The maximum length of each word is 35 characters. The maximum combined length of negative keywords in the array is 4096 characters. Spaces, dashes, and operators are not counted as part of the total length.

Note. Negative keywords that are shared for all a campaign's ad groups should preferably be set in the campaign parameter of the same name.
NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds ArrayOfLong

IDs of sets of negative keywords. Maximum of 3 items in the array.

To get set IDs, use the NegativeKeywordSharedSets.get method.

Restriction. Negative keywords are not allowed in a group of display ads with targeting criteria based on a user profile.
TrackingParams string

GET parameters for tracking traffic sources that are added to the link of all ads in the group (maximum of 1024 characters). May contain substitution variables.

For example: from=direct&ad={ad_id}

Image ads, dynamic ads, and smart banners. However, currently it's only used for groups of dynamic ads and smart banners.

MobileAppAdGroup MobileAppAdGroupAdd Parameters of ad groups for mobile app ads. No
DynamicTextAdGroup DynamicTextAdGroupAdd Parameters of a group of dynamic ads. No
DynamicTextFeedAdGroup DynamicTextFeedAdGroupAdd Parameters of a group of dynamic ads with the FEED subtype. No
CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroup CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroupAdd Parameters for a group of display ads with keywords. To create such a group, specify an empty CpmBannerKeywordsAdGroup structure. No
CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroup CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroupAdd Parameters for a group of display ads with targeting criteria based on a user profile. To create such a group, specify an empty CpmBannerUserProfileAdGroup structure. No
CpmVideoAdGroup CpmVideoAdGroupAdd Parameters of a group of display video ads (in a “Display campaign” campaign type). To create such a group, specify an empty CpmVideoAdGroup structure. No
SmartAdGroup SmartAdGroupAdd Parameters for ad group of smart banners. No
UnifiedAdGroup UnifiedAdGroupAdd Parameters of a unified performance group: See Ad group typewhen calling finance methods. No
TextAdGroupFeedParams TextAdGroupFeedParams Image ads group. No
MobileAppAdGroupAdd structure
StoreUrl string

Link to the app in AppStore or Google Play (maximum of 1024 characters). The link must contain the protocol. Not editable.

See Link to App in Store in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Restriction. All ad groups in the same campaign must have the same app link.

If groups with different app links were previously created in the campaign, then you are allowed to specify the app link that is shown in your campaign settings in the Yandex Direct web interface.

TargetDeviceType array of DeviceTypeEnum Which devices to show ads on:
  • DEVICE_TYPE_MOBILE — smartphones

  • DEVICE_TYPE_TABLET — tablets

TargetCarrier CarrierEnum Which types of internet connections to show ads on:
  • WI_FI_ONLY — only Wi-Fi
  • WI_FI_AND_CELLULAR — cellular internet and Wi-Fi
TargetOperatingSystemVersion string The minimum OS version to display the ad on. For example, 2.3.
Note. If the minimum OS version in the app store is higher than the one set in this parameter, ads are displayed only for OS versions equal to or higher than the one in the app store.
DynamicTextAdGroupAdd structure
DomainUrl string The domain name of the site to generate dynamic ads for (a maximum of 100 characters). The protocol can be omitted. Yes
AutotargetingCategories array of AutotargetingCategoriesAddItem Targeting categories to be added. No
DynamicTextFeedAdGroupAdd structure
FeedId long ID of the feed on the basis of which dynamic ads must be generated. Yes
AutotargetingCategories array of AutotargetingCategoriesAddItem Targeting categories to be added. No
AutotargetingCategoriesAddItem structure
Category AutotargetingCategoriesEnum

Targeting category:

  • EXACT: The targeted queries. The ad matches user queries.
  • ALTERNATIVE: Alternative queries. The user is looking for a product that can be replaced by the advertised product. The ad might also match the query in this case.
  • COMPETITOR: Queries mentioning competitors. Searching competitors for the advertised product.
  • BROADER: Broad queries. Queries showing interest in a product exemplified by the ad.
  • ACCESSORY: Related queries. Queries for products that might interest the user in relation to the advertised product or service.
Value YesNoEnum The flag indicating that the specified targeting category is enabled. All targeting categories are enabled by default. Yes
SmartAdGroupAdd structure
FeedId long The ID of the feed to use for generating smart banners. Yes
AdTitleSource string The name of the feed element to use for the ad title. If omitted, the title is generated automatically. No
AdBodySource string The name of the feed element to use for the ad text. If omitted, the text is generated automatically. No
UnifiedAdGroupAdd structure
OfferRetargeting YesNoEnum Indicates that offer retargeting is enabled. Yes
TextAdGroupFeedParamsAdd structure
FeedId long ID of the feed on the basis of which Text & Image ads must be generated. Yes
FeedCategoryIds ArrayOfLong

Image ads must be generated.

If no category IDs are specified, all categories from the feed are used.



Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": { /* result */
    "AddResults": [{  /* ActionResult */
      "Id": (long),
      "Warnings": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
      }, ... ],
      "Errors": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
      }, ... ]
    }, ... ]
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
AddResults array of ActionResult Results of adding groups.
ActionResult structure
Id long ID of the created group. Returned if there are no errors, see Operations on object arrays.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
AddResults array of ActionResult Results of adding groups.
ActionResult structure
Id long ID of the created group. Returned if there are no errors, see Operations on object arrays.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.


Request example
  "method" : "add",
  "params" : {
    "AdGroups" : [
        "RegionIds" : [
        "CampaignId" : 7273721,
        "NegativeKeywords" : {
          "Items" : [
        "Name" : "AdGroup #1"
        "RegionIds" : [
        "CampaignId" : 4193065,
        "NegativeKeywords" : {
          "Items" : [
        "Name" : "AdGroup #2"
Response example
  "result" : {
    "AddResults" : [
        "Id" : 636056397
        "Id" : 636056402
Response with error
  "result" : {
    "AddResults" : [
        "Errors" : [
            "Code" : 8800,
            "Details" : "Campaign not found",
            "Message" : "Object not found"
        "Errors" : [
            "Code" : 5120,
            "Details" : "221 invalid or non-existent region",
            "Message" : "Geo-targeting not set up properly"