
Changes ad parameters.

  1. Restrictions
  2. Request
  3. Response
  4. Examples


To manage product ads, use the URL: https://api.direct.yandex.com/v501/.

Maximum of 1000 ads per method call.

You can't edit ads with the ARCHIVED status. See Ad status and state.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "update",
  "params": { /* params */
    "Ads": [{  /* AdUpdateItem */
      "Id": (long), /* required */
      "TextAd": {  /* TextAdUpdate */
        "Title": (string),
        "Title2": (string), /* nillable */
        "Text": (string),
        "Href": (string), /* nillable */
        "AgeLabel": ( "AGE_0" | ... | "MONTHS_12" ),
        "DisplayUrlPath": (string), /* nillable */
        "VCardId": (long), /* nillable */
        "AdImageHash": (string), /* nillable */
        "SitelinkSetId": (long), /* nillable */
        "CalloutSetting": {  /* AdExtensionSetting */
          "AdExtensions": [{  /* AdExtensionSettingItem */
            "AdExtensionId": (long), /* required */
            "Operation": ( "ADD" | "REMOVE" | "SET" ) /* required */
          }, ... ] /* required */
        }, /* nillable */
        "VideoExtension": {  /* VideoExtensionUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* nillable */
        "PriceExtension": {  /* PriceExtensionUpdateItem */
          "Price": (long),
          "OldPrice": (long), /* nillable */
          "PriceQualifier": ( "FROM" | "UP_TO" | "NONE" ),
          "PriceCurrency": ( "RUB" | "BYN" | "CHF" | "EUR" | "KZT" | "TRY" | "UAH" | "USD" | "UZS" )
        }, /* nillable */
        "TurboPageId": (long), /* nillable */
        "BusinessId": (long), /* nillable */
        "PreferVCardOverBusiness": ( "YES" | "NO" ),
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "DynamicTextAd": {  /* DynamicTextAdUpdate */
        "VCardId": (long), /* nillable */
        "AdImageHash": (string), /* nillable */
        "SitelinkSetId": (long), /* nillable */
        "CalloutSetting": {  /* AdExtensionSetting */
          "AdExtensions": [{  /* AdExtensionSettingItem */
            "AdExtensionId": (long), /* required */
            "Operation": ( "ADD" | "REMOVE" | "SET" ) /* required */
          }, ... ] /* required */
        }, /* nillable */
        "Text": (string)
      "MobileAppAd": {  /* MobileAppAdUpdate */
         "Title": (string),
         "Text": (string),
         "TrackingUrl": (string), /* nillable */
         "Action": ( "DOWNLOAD" | "GET" | "INSTALL" | "MORE" | "OPEN" | "UPDATE" | "PLAY" | "BUY_AUTODETECT" ),
         "AdImageHash": (string), /* nillable */
         "Features": [{  /* MobileAppAdFeatureItem */
           "Feature": ( "PRICE" | "ICON" | "CUSTOMER_RATING" | "RATINGS" ), /* required */
           "Enabled": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
         }, ... ],
         "AgeLabel": ( "AGE_0" | ... | "AGE_18" ),
         "VideoExtension": {  /* VideoExtensionUpdateItem */
           "CreativeId": (long) /* nillable */
         "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "TextImageAd": {  /* TextImageAdUpdate */
        "AdImageHash": (string),
        "Href": (string), /* nillable */
        "TurboPageId": (long), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "MobileAppImageAd": {  /* MobileAppImageAdUpdate */
        "AdImageHash": (string),
        "TrackingUrl": (string), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAd" : {  /* MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative" : { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId" : (long) /* required */
        "TrackingUrl" : (string), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "TextAdBuilderAd": {  /* TextAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative": { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* required */
        "Href": (string), /* nillable */
        "TurboPageId": (long), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "MobileAppAdBuilderAd": {  /* MobileAppAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative": { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* required */
        "TrackingUrl": (string), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "CpcVideoAdBuilderAd": {  /* CpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative": { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* required */
        "Href": (string),  /* nillable */
        "TurboPageId": (long), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "CpmBannerAdBuilderAd": {  /* CpmBannerAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative": { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* required */
        "Href": (string), /* nillable */
        "TrackingPixels": { /* ArrayOfString */
          "Items": [(string), ... ] /* required */
        }, /* nillable */
        "TurboPageId": (long), /* nillable */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "CpmVideoAdBuilderAd": {  /* CpmVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative": { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* required */
        "Href": (string),  /* nillable */
        "TrackingPixels": { /* ArrayOfString */
          "Items": [(string), ... ] /* required */
        }, /* nillable */
        "TurboPageId": (long),
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string) /* nillable */
      "SmartAdBuilderAd": {  /* SmartAdBuilderAdUpdate */
        "Creative": { /* AdBuilderAdUpdateItem */
          "CreativeId": (long) /* required */
        "ErirAdDescription" : (string)
      "ShoppingAd" : {
          "SitelinkSetId" : (long) /* nillable */,
          "CalloutSetting" : { /* nillable */
            "AdExtensions" : [{ /* required */
                "AdExtensionId" : (long) /* required */,
                "Operation" : ("ADD"|"REMOVE"|"SET") /* required */
            }, ... ]
          "BusinessId" : (long) /* nillable */,
          "FeedFilterConditions" : { /* nillable */
            "Items" : [{ /* required */
                "Operand" : (string) /* required */,
                "Operator" : ("CONTAINS_ANY"|"EQUALS_ANY"|"EXISTS"|"GREATER_THAN"|"IN_RANGE"|"LESS_THAN"|"NOT_CONTAINS_ALL") /* required */,
                "Arguments" : [ (string) ] /* required */
            }, ... ]
          "TitleSources" : { /* nillable */
              "Items" : [ (string) ] /* required */
          "TextSources" : { /* nillable */
              "Items" : [ (string) ] /* required */
          "DefaultTexts" : [ (string) ]
      "ListingAd" : {
          "SitelinkSetId" : (long) /* nillable */,
          "CalloutSetting" : { /* nillable */
            "AdExtensions" : [{ /* required */
                "AdExtensionId" : (long) /* required */,
                "Operation" : ("ADD"|"REMOVE"|"SET") /* required */
            }, ... ]
          "BusinessId" : (long) /* nillable */,
          "FeedFilterConditions" : { /* nillable */
            "Items" : [{ /* required */
                "Operand" : (string) /* required */,
                "Operator" : ("CONTAINS_ANY"|"EQUALS_ANY"|"EXISTS"|"GREATER_THAN"|"IN_RANGE"|"LESS_THAN"|"NOT_CONTAINS_ALL") /* required */,
                "Arguments" : [ (string) ] /* required */
            }, ... ]
          "TitleSources" : { /* nillable */
              "Items" : [ (string) ] /* required */
          "TextSources" : { /* nillable */
              "Items" : [ (string) ] /* required */
          "DefaultTexts" : [ (string) ]
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / UpdateRequest structure (for SOAP)
Ads array of AdUpdateItem Ads to change parameters for. Yes
AdUpdateItem structure
Id long The ID of the ad to change parameters for. Yes
TextAd TextAdUpdate Parameters of a text and image ad. See Ad typewhen calling finance methods. Either TextAd, or MobileAppAd, or DynamicTextAd, or TextImageAd, or MobileAppImageAd, or MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAd, or TextAdBuilderAd, or MobileAppAdBuilderAd, or CpcVideoAdBuilderAd, or CpmBannerAdBuilderAd, or CpmVideoAdBuilderAd, or SmartAdBuilderAd
DynamicTextAd DynamicTextAdUpdate Parameters of a dynamic ad.
MobileAppAd MobileAppAdUpdate Parameters of a mobile app ad.
TextImageAd TextImageAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from an image (in a group of text and image ads).
MobileAppImageAd MobileAppImageAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from an image (in a group of mobile app ads).
MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAd MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of a video ad that was created from an image (in a group of ads for mobile apps).
TextAdBuilderAd TextAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from a creative (in a group of text and image ads).
MobileAppAdBuilderAd MobileAppAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from a creative (in a group of mobile app ads).
CpcVideoAdBuilderAd CpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate Video ad parameters (in “Text & Image ads” campaigns).
CpmBannerAdBuilderAd CpmBannerAdBuilderAdUpdate Display ad parameters.
CpmVideoAdBuilderAd CpmVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of a display video ad (in a “Display campaign”).
SmartAdBuilderAd SmartAdBuilderAdUpdate Smart banner parameters.
ShoppingAd ShoppingAdUpdate Product ad parameters.
ListingAd ListingAdUpdate Parameters of an ad for catalog pages.
TextAdUpdate structure
Title string

Title 1.

Maximum of 56 characters, counting "narrow" characters. Maximum of 22 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Title2 string, nillable

Title 2.

Maximum of 30 characters not counting "narrow" characters, plus up to 15 "narrow" characters. Maximum of 22 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Text string

Ad text.

Maximum of 81 characters not counting "narrow" characters, plus up to 15 "narrow" characters. Maximum of 23 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

AgeLabel AgeLabelEnum Age category.

If an ad does not have an age label, this parameter can't be set (the value is ignored).

DisplayUrlPath string, nillable

Display link. Allowed only with the Href parameter. Maximum of 20 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It may contain letters, numbers, and the symbols -, №, /, %, #. Spaces, underscores (_), and double characters -- and // are not allowed.

See Display link in the Help for Yandex Direct.

VCardId long, nillable ID of the vCard. The vCard must belong to the same campaign as the ad. No
AdImageHash string, nillable

Hash of the image.

For Text & Image ads, only images with the REGULAR or WIDE type are acceptable. See Type of image.
SitelinkSetId long, nillable ID of a set of sitelinks. Allowed only with the Href or TurboPageId parameter. No
CalloutSetting AdExtensionSetting, nillable

Callouts for an ad:

  • To make changes in an existing set of callouts, use the ADD and REMOVE types of actions (see the description for the Operation parameter).

  • To replace an existing set of callouts with a new set, use the SET action.

  • To unassign all callouts, pass the nil (null) value.
VideoExtension VideoExtensionUpdateItem

Video extension.

See See Video extensions in the Help for Yandex Direct.

PriceExtension PriceExtensionUpdateItem, nillable Price in the ad. No
TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
BusinessId long, nillable

ID of the business profile on Yandex.

To get data from business profiles, use the Businesses.get method.

A business profile can be linked to an ad only if the YES value is returned for the IsPublished parameter.

Note. The business profile is available at https://yandex.ru/profile/<id_profile>.
PreferVCardOverBusiness YesNoEnum

Indicates which data source takes priority when displaying an ad: YES — vCard, NO — business profile.


This parameter is used if the VCardID and BusinessId values are filled in. If one of these values is deleted, you must set the PreferVCardOverBusiness parameter to NO.

ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

AdExtensionSetting structure
AdExtensions array of AdExtensionSettingItem Extensions to assign to the ad or unassign from the ad. Yes
AdExtensionSettingItem structure
AdExtensionId long Extension ID. Yes
Operation AdExtensionTypeEnum Type of action with the set of extensions:
  • ADD — Assign the extension to the ad.

  • REMOVE — Unassign the extension from the ad.

  • SET — Replace the set of extensions and assign the extension to the ad as part of the new set. The SET type is incompatible with ADD and REMOVE. Make sure all the items in the AdExtensions array are of the SET type.

See Exampleswhen calling finance methods.

VideoExtensionUpdateItem structure
CreativeId long, nillable

ID of the creative.

To get the ID of a creative, use the Creatives.get method.

PriceExtensionUpdateItem structure
Price long

The price of a product or service multiplied by 1,000,000. An integer that is a multiple of 10,000 (the price with two digits after the decimal point). Maximum value: 10,000,000,000,000,000.

OldPrice long, nillable The previous price of a product or service multiplied by 1,000,000. An integer that is a multiple of 10,000. The old price must be higher than the current price. No
PriceQualifier PriceQualifierEnum

Text explanation of the price:

  • FROM — “From”.
  • UP_TO — “To”.
  • NONE — No explanation.
PriceCurrency PriceCurrencyEnum The currency that the price is shown in. No
DynamicTextAdUpdate structure
VCardId long, nillable ID of the vCard. The vCard must belong to the same campaign as the ad. No
AdImageHash string, nillable

Hash of the image.

For dynamic ads, only images with the REGULAR or WIDE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

SitelinkSetId long, nillable ID of a set of sitelinks. No
CalloutSetting AdExtensionSetting, nillable

Callouts for an ad:

  • To make changes in an existing set of callouts, use the ADD and REMOVE types of actions (see the description for the Operation parameter).

  • To replace an existing set of callouts with a new set, use the SET action.

  • To unassign all callouts, pass the nil (null) value.
Text string

Ad text.

Maximum of 81 characters not counting "narrow" characters, plus up to 15 "narrow" characters. Maximum of 23 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

MobileAppAdUpdate structure
Title string


Maximum of 56 characters, counting “narrow” characters. Maximum of 22 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Text string

Ad text.

Maximum of 75 characters, counting “narrow” characters. Maximum of 23 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
Action MobileAppAdActionEnum

The button label:

  • DOWNLOAD — “Download”

  • GET — “Get”

  • INSTALL — “Install”

  • MORE — “More”

  • OPEN — “Open”

  • UPDATE — “Update”

  • PLAY — “Play”

  • BUY_AUTODETECT — The label depends on the application price: “Buy” if the price is something other than zero, or “Free” if the price is set to zero.

AdImageHash string, nillable

Hash of the image.

For mobile app ads, only images with the WIDE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

Features array of MobileAppAdFeatureItem Add-ons that need to be automatically downloaded from the app store and displayed in the ad. No
AgeLabel MobAppAgeLabelEnum Age restriction. No
VideoExtension VideoExtensionUpdateItem

Video extension.

See See Video extensions in the Help for Yandex Direct.

ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppAdFeatureItem structure
Feature MobileAppFeatureEnum

Type of extension:

  • PRICE — price
  • ICON — icon
  • CUSTOMER_RATING — rating
  • RATINGS — number of ratings (shown only if the rating is displayed)

If the add-on type is omitted from the Features array, the add-on is not shown.

Enabled YesNoEnum

Whether to display an add-on in the ad.

  • If the add-on couldn't be downloaded from the app store, the YES value is available, but this add-on is not shown when displaying the ad.
  • The number of ratings is only shown together with the average rating: if NO is set for the CUSTOMER_RATING type, but YES is set for RATINGS, the number of ratings is not displayed.
TextImageAdUpdate structure
AdImageHash string

Hash of the image.

For image ads, only images with the FIXED_IMAGE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppImageAdUpdate structure
AdImageHash string

Hash of the image.

For image ads, only images with the FIXED_IMAGE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See See Ad Builder for video ads in the Help for Yandex Direct.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

TextAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Ad Builder for image ads in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Ad Builder for image ads in the Help for Yandex Direct.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

CpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Video ads / Ad Builder in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

CpmBannerAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was uploaded in the web interface or created in the Ad Builder.

See How to launch a display campaign in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TrackingPixels ArrayOfString, nillable Can contain a maximum of two strings:
  • A Yandex Audience pixel (see Pixel in the Help for Yandex Audience).
  • An ADFOX tracking tag. The tag must have the %random% or %aw_random% macro.

The maximum length of each string is 1024 characters.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

CpmVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Video advertising / How to launch in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
TrackingPixels ArrayOfString, nillable An ADFOX tracking tag. The tag must have the %random% or %aw_random% macro. Maximum of 1024 characters. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

SmartAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Ad Builder for smart banners in the Help for Yandex Direct.

ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

AdBuilderAdUpdateItem structure
CreativeId long

ID of the creative.

To get the ID of a creative, use the Creatives.get method.

ShoppingAdUpdate structure
SitelinkSetId long ID of a set of sitelinks. No
CalloutSetting CalloutSetting CalloutSetting No
BusinessId long

ID of the business profile on Yandex.

To get data from business profiles, use the Businesses.get method.

A business profile can be linked to an ad only if the YES value is returned for the IsPublished parameter.

Note. The business profile is available at https://yandex.ru/profile/<id_profile>.
FeedFilterConditions FeedFilterConditionsItem

Rules for selecting product offers. No more than 30 filters in the array. The total length of the selection rules is a maximum of 65 KB (in JSON).

A product offer is selected for ad generation if it meets all the selection rules at the same time. If this parameter is omitted, all product offers from the feed are used for ad generation.

TitleSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad titles. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

TextSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad texts. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

DefaultTexts array of string

Default texts. You can specify only one value.

ListingAdUpdate structure
SitelinkSetId long ID of a set of sitelinks. No
CalloutSetting CalloutSetting CalloutSetting No
BusinessId long

ID of the business profile on Yandex.

To get data from business profiles, use the Businesses.get method.

A business profile can be linked to an ad only if the YES value is returned for the IsPublished parameter.

Note. The business profile is available at https://yandex.ru/profile/<id_profile>.
FeedFilterConditions FeedFilterConditionsItem

Rules for selecting product offers. No more than 30 filters in the array. The total length of the selection rules is a maximum of 65 KB (in JSON).

A product offer is selected for ad generation if it meets all the selection rules at the same time. If this parameter is omitted, all product offers from the feed are used for ad generation.

TitleSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad titles. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

TextSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad texts. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

DefaultTexts array of string

Default texts. You can specify only one value.

CalloutSetting structure
AdExtensions AdExtensions Extensions for an ad. Yes
AdExtensions structure
AdExtensionId long Extension ID. Yes
Operation string


Possible values:

  • ADD
  • SET
FeedFilterConditionsItem structure
Operand string

Feed parameter.

For a description of fields for each type of feed, see Configuring filters in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Operator StringConditionOperatorEnum

Comparison operator. For information on the compatibility of feed fields and operators, as well as restrictions on values, see Rules for selecting product ads..

Arguments array of string

An array of strings to compare the operand to.

Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / UpdateRequest structure (for SOAP)
Ads array of AdUpdateItem Ads to change parameters for. Yes
AdUpdateItem structure
Id long The ID of the ad to change parameters for. Yes
TextAd TextAdUpdate Parameters of a text and image ad. See Ad typewhen calling finance methods. Either TextAd, or MobileAppAd, or DynamicTextAd, or TextImageAd, or MobileAppImageAd, or MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAd, or TextAdBuilderAd, or MobileAppAdBuilderAd, or CpcVideoAdBuilderAd, or CpmBannerAdBuilderAd, or CpmVideoAdBuilderAd, or SmartAdBuilderAd
DynamicTextAd DynamicTextAdUpdate Parameters of a dynamic ad.
MobileAppAd MobileAppAdUpdate Parameters of a mobile app ad.
TextImageAd TextImageAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from an image (in a group of text and image ads).
MobileAppImageAd MobileAppImageAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from an image (in a group of mobile app ads).
MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAd MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of a video ad that was created from an image (in a group of ads for mobile apps).
TextAdBuilderAd TextAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from a creative (in a group of text and image ads).
MobileAppAdBuilderAd MobileAppAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of an image ad that was created from a creative (in a group of mobile app ads).
CpcVideoAdBuilderAd CpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate Video ad parameters (in “Text & Image ads” campaigns).
CpmBannerAdBuilderAd CpmBannerAdBuilderAdUpdate Display ad parameters.
CpmVideoAdBuilderAd CpmVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate Parameters of a display video ad (in a “Display campaign”).
SmartAdBuilderAd SmartAdBuilderAdUpdate Smart banner parameters.
ShoppingAd ShoppingAdUpdate Product ad parameters.
ListingAd ListingAdUpdate Parameters of an ad for catalog pages.
TextAdUpdate structure
Title string

Title 1.

Maximum of 56 characters, counting "narrow" characters. Maximum of 22 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Title2 string, nillable

Title 2.

Maximum of 30 characters not counting "narrow" characters, plus up to 15 "narrow" characters. Maximum of 22 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Text string

Ad text.

Maximum of 81 characters not counting "narrow" characters, plus up to 15 "narrow" characters. Maximum of 23 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

AgeLabel AgeLabelEnum Age category.

If an ad does not have an age label, this parameter can't be set (the value is ignored).

DisplayUrlPath string, nillable

Display link. Allowed only with the Href parameter. Maximum of 20 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It may contain letters, numbers, and the symbols -, №, /, %, #. Spaces, underscores (_), and double characters -- and // are not allowed.

See Display link in the Help for Yandex Direct.

VCardId long, nillable ID of the vCard. The vCard must belong to the same campaign as the ad. No
AdImageHash string, nillable

Hash of the image.

For Text & Image ads, only images with the REGULAR or WIDE type are acceptable. See Type of image.
SitelinkSetId long, nillable ID of a set of sitelinks. Allowed only with the Href or TurboPageId parameter. No
CalloutSetting AdExtensionSetting, nillable

Callouts for an ad:

  • To make changes in an existing set of callouts, use the ADD and REMOVE types of actions (see the description for the Operation parameter).

  • To replace an existing set of callouts with a new set, use the SET action.

  • To unassign all callouts, pass the nil (null) value.
VideoExtension VideoExtensionUpdateItem

Video extension.

See See Video extensions in the Help for Yandex Direct.

PriceExtension PriceExtensionUpdateItem, nillable Price in the ad. No
TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
BusinessId long, nillable

ID of the business profile on Yandex.

To get data from business profiles, use the Businesses.get method.

A business profile can be linked to an ad only if the YES value is returned for the IsPublished parameter.

Note. The business profile is available at https://yandex.ru/profile/<id_profile>.
PreferVCardOverBusiness YesNoEnum

Indicates which data source takes priority when displaying an ad: YES — vCard, NO — business profile.


This parameter is used if the VCardID and BusinessId values are filled in. If one of these values is deleted, you must set the PreferVCardOverBusiness parameter to NO.

ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

AdExtensionSetting structure
AdExtensions array of AdExtensionSettingItem Extensions to assign to the ad or unassign from the ad. Yes
AdExtensionSettingItem structure
AdExtensionId long Extension ID. Yes
Operation AdExtensionTypeEnum Type of action with the set of extensions:
  • ADD — Assign the extension to the ad.

  • REMOVE — Unassign the extension from the ad.

  • SET — Replace the set of extensions and assign the extension to the ad as part of the new set. The SET type is incompatible with ADD and REMOVE. Make sure all the items in the AdExtensions array are of the SET type.

See Exampleswhen calling finance methods.

VideoExtensionUpdateItem structure
CreativeId long, nillable

ID of the creative.

To get the ID of a creative, use the Creatives.get method.

PriceExtensionUpdateItem structure
Price long

The price of a product or service multiplied by 1,000,000. An integer that is a multiple of 10,000 (the price with two digits after the decimal point). Maximum value: 10,000,000,000,000,000.

OldPrice long, nillable The previous price of a product or service multiplied by 1,000,000. An integer that is a multiple of 10,000. The old price must be higher than the current price. No
PriceQualifier PriceQualifierEnum

Text explanation of the price:

  • FROM — “From”.
  • UP_TO — “To”.
  • NONE — No explanation.
PriceCurrency PriceCurrencyEnum The currency that the price is shown in. No
DynamicTextAdUpdate structure
VCardId long, nillable ID of the vCard. The vCard must belong to the same campaign as the ad. No
AdImageHash string, nillable

Hash of the image.

For dynamic ads, only images with the REGULAR or WIDE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

SitelinkSetId long, nillable ID of a set of sitelinks. No
CalloutSetting AdExtensionSetting, nillable

Callouts for an ad:

  • To make changes in an existing set of callouts, use the ADD and REMOVE types of actions (see the description for the Operation parameter).

  • To replace an existing set of callouts with a new set, use the SET action.

  • To unassign all callouts, pass the nil (null) value.
Text string

Ad text.

Maximum of 81 characters not counting "narrow" characters, plus up to 15 "narrow" characters. Maximum of 23 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

MobileAppAdUpdate structure
Title string


Maximum of 56 characters, counting “narrow” characters. Maximum of 22 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

Text string

Ad text.

Maximum of 75 characters, counting “narrow” characters. Maximum of 23 characters per word. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
Action MobileAppAdActionEnum

The button label:

  • DOWNLOAD — “Download”

  • GET — “Get”

  • INSTALL — “Install”

  • MORE — “More”

  • OPEN — “Open”

  • UPDATE — “Update”

  • PLAY — “Play”

  • BUY_AUTODETECT — The label depends on the application price: “Buy” if the price is something other than zero, or “Free” if the price is set to zero.

AdImageHash string, nillable

Hash of the image.

For mobile app ads, only images with the WIDE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

Features array of MobileAppAdFeatureItem Add-ons that need to be automatically downloaded from the app store and displayed in the ad. No
AgeLabel MobAppAgeLabelEnum Age restriction. No
VideoExtension VideoExtensionUpdateItem

Video extension.

See See Video extensions in the Help for Yandex Direct.

ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppAdFeatureItem structure
Feature MobileAppFeatureEnum

Type of extension:

  • PRICE — price
  • ICON — icon
  • CUSTOMER_RATING — rating
  • RATINGS — number of ratings (shown only if the rating is displayed)

If the add-on type is omitted from the Features array, the add-on is not shown.

Enabled YesNoEnum

Whether to display an add-on in the ad.

  • If the add-on couldn't be downloaded from the app store, the YES value is available, but this add-on is not shown when displaying the ad.
  • The number of ratings is only shown together with the average rating: if NO is set for the CUSTOMER_RATING type, but YES is set for RATINGS, the number of ratings is not displayed.
TextImageAdUpdate structure
AdImageHash string

Hash of the image.

For image ads, only images with the FIXED_IMAGE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppImageAdUpdate structure
AdImageHash string

Hash of the image.

For image ads, only images with the FIXED_IMAGE type are acceptable. See Type of image.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppCpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See See Ad Builder for video ads in the Help for Yandex Direct.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

TextAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Ad Builder for image ads in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

MobileAppAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Ad Builder for image ads in the Help for Yandex Direct.

TrackingUrl string, nillable Tracking link for tracking app installations. Maximum of 1024 characters. It must include the protocol and domain name. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

CpcVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Video ads / Ad Builder in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

CpmBannerAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was uploaded in the web interface or created in the Ad Builder.

See How to launch a display campaign in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TrackingPixels ArrayOfString, nillable Can contain a maximum of two strings:
  • A Yandex Audience pixel (see Pixel in the Help for Yandex Audience).
  • An ADFOX tracking tag. The tag must have the %random% or %aw_random% macro.

The maximum length of each string is 1024 characters.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

CpmVideoAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Video advertising / How to launch in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Href string, nillable

Link to the advertiser's website. Maximum of 1024 characters. If using a template, the # symbol isn't counted in the length.

It must include the protocol and domain name. May contain substitution variables.

TurboPageId long, nillable ID of the Turbo page. No
TrackingPixels ArrayOfString, nillable An ADFOX tracking tag. The tag must have the %random% or %aw_random% macro. Maximum of 1024 characters. No
ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

SmartAdBuilderAdUpdate structure
Creative AdBuilderAdUpdateItem

A creative that was created in the Ad Builder.

See Ad Builder for smart banners in the Help for Yandex Direct.

ErirAdDescription string

Ad object description.

AdBuilderAdUpdateItem structure
CreativeId long

ID of the creative.

To get the ID of a creative, use the Creatives.get method.

ShoppingAdUpdate structure
SitelinkSetId long ID of a set of sitelinks. No
CalloutSetting CalloutSetting CalloutSetting No
BusinessId long

ID of the business profile on Yandex.

To get data from business profiles, use the Businesses.get method.

A business profile can be linked to an ad only if the YES value is returned for the IsPublished parameter.

Note. The business profile is available at https://yandex.ru/profile/<id_profile>.
FeedFilterConditions FeedFilterConditionsItem

Rules for selecting product offers. No more than 30 filters in the array. The total length of the selection rules is a maximum of 65 KB (in JSON).

A product offer is selected for ad generation if it meets all the selection rules at the same time. If this parameter is omitted, all product offers from the feed are used for ad generation.

TitleSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad titles. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

TextSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad texts. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

DefaultTexts array of string

Default texts. You can specify only one value.

ListingAdUpdate structure
SitelinkSetId long ID of a set of sitelinks. No
CalloutSetting CalloutSetting CalloutSetting No
BusinessId long

ID of the business profile on Yandex.

To get data from business profiles, use the Businesses.get method.

A business profile can be linked to an ad only if the YES value is returned for the IsPublished parameter.

Note. The business profile is available at https://yandex.ru/profile/<id_profile>.
FeedFilterConditions FeedFilterConditionsItem

Rules for selecting product offers. No more than 30 filters in the array. The total length of the selection rules is a maximum of 65 KB (in JSON).

A product offer is selected for ad generation if it meets all the selection rules at the same time. If this parameter is omitted, all product offers from the feed are used for ad generation.

TitleSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad titles. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

TextSources array of string

Names of feed fields used to generate ad texts. You can get the acceptable field names in the TitleAndTextSources field of the feeds.get method.

DefaultTexts array of string

Default texts. You can specify only one value.

CalloutSetting structure
AdExtensions AdExtensions Extensions for an ad. Yes
AdExtensions structure
AdExtensionId long Extension ID. Yes
Operation string


Possible values:

  • ADD
  • SET
FeedFilterConditionsItem structure
Operand string

Feed parameter.

For a description of fields for each type of feed, see Configuring filters in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Operator StringConditionOperatorEnum

Comparison operator. For information on the compatibility of feed fields and operators, as well as restrictions on values, see Rules for selecting product ads..

Arguments array of string

An array of strings to compare the operand to.



Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": {  /* result */
    "UpdateResults": [{  /* ActionResult */
      "Id": (long),
      "Warnings": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
       }, ...
      "Errors": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
       }, ...
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / UpdateResponse structure (for SOAP)
UpdateResults array of ActionResult Results of updating ad parameters.
ActionResult structure
Id long The ad ID. Returned if there are no errors, see Operations on object arrays.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / UpdateResponse structure (for SOAP)
UpdateResults array of ActionResult Results of updating ad parameters.
ActionResult structure
Id long The ad ID. Returned if there are no errors, see Operations on object arrays.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.


Making changes to the set of ad extensions

The callouts with the IDs 111, 112, and 113 were assigned to the ad.

Executing the request will assign the callouts with the IDs 111, 112, 114, and 115 to the ad.

  "method": "update",
  "params": {
    "Ads": [{
      "Id": 7654321,
      "TextAd": {
        "CalloutSetting": {
          "AdExtensions": [{
            "AdExtensionId": 114,
            "Operation": "ADD"
            "AdExtensionId": 115,
            "Operation": "ADD"
            "AdExtensionId": 113,
            "Operation": "REMOVE"
Replacing the set of extensions

The callouts with the IDs 111, 112, and 113 were assigned to the ad.

Executing the request will assign the callouts with the IDs 113 and 114 to the ad.

  "method": "update",
  "params": {
    "Ads": [{
      "Id": 7654321,
      "TextAd": {
        "CalloutSetting": {
          "AdExtensions": [{
            "AdExtensionId": 113,
            "Operation": "SET"
            "AdExtensionId": 114,
            "Operation": "SET"