
Registers new advertisers who are agency clients and users who are chief representatives of advertisers.

  1. Restrictions
  2. Request
  3. Response
Note. For requests to the AgencyClients service:
  • In the Authorization header, specify the access token you received for the agency representative.
  • Don't specify the Client-Login header.


Maximum of 100 clients per day.

Access to this method is granted on request.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "add",
  "params": { /* params */
      "Login": (string), /* required */
      "FirstName": (string), /* required */
      "LastName": (string), /* required */
      "Currency": ( "RUB" | "BYN" | "CHF" | "EUR" | "KZT" | "TRY" | "UAH" | "USD" ), /* required */
      "Grants": [{  /* GrantItem */
        "Privilege": ( "EDIT_CAMPAIGNS" | "IMPORT_XLS" | "TRANSFER_MONEY" ), /* required */
        "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "Notification": {  /* NotificationAdd */
        "Lang": ( "RU" | "UK" | "EN" | "TR" ), /* required */
        "Email": (string), /* required */
        "EmailSubscriptions": [{  /* EmailSubscriptionItem */
          "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        }, ... ] /* required */
      }, /* required */
      "Settings": [{  /* ClientSettingAddItem */
        "Option": ( "CORRECT_TYPOS_AUTOMATICALLY" | "DISPLAY_STORE_RATING" ), /* required */
        "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "TinInfo": { /* TinInfoAdd */
        "TinType": ( "PHYSICAL" | "FOREIGN_PHYSICAL" | "LEGAL" | "FOREIGN_LEGAL" | "INDIVIDUAL" ), /* required */
        "Tin": (string)
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
Login string

Username of a Yandex Direct user who is the chief representative of an advertiser.

This name is used to create a user in Yandex and Yandex Direct, so the username must be unique.

The username may include Latin characters, digits, a single hyphen, and a dot. It must start with a letter, end with a letter or number, and contain a maximum of 30 characters.

We do not recommend usernames that have dots in them (they should be replaced with hyphens) or uppercase characters.

FirstName string The user's first name (no more than 20 characters). The following characters are not allowed: &=<>. Yes
LastName string The user's last name (no more than 20 characters). The following characters are not allowed: &=<>. Yes
Currency CurrencyEnum

The advertiser's currency.

Grants array of GrantItem The advertiser's permissions for campaign management. If omitted, there aren't any permissions. No
Notification NotificationAdd Settings for SMS and email notifications for the advertiser's chief representative. Yes
Settings array of ClientSettingAddItem Advertiser settings that only allow YES or NO values. No
TinInfo TinInfoAdd

Tax data of the end-advertiser.


GrantItem structure
Privilege PrivilegeEnum

Name of the permission:

If the permission isn't specified, it is created with the value NO.

For the IMPORT_XLS permission, you can only set the YES value if the EDIT_CAMPAIGNS permission is also set to YES. Otherwise, an error is returned.

Value YesNoEnum Whether the advertiser has this permission. Yes
NotificationAdd structure
Lang LangEnum Language for notifications. Yes
Email string

The email address for sending notifications related to the account.

EmailSubscriptions array of EmailSubscriptionItem Types of notifications to send by email. Yes
EmailSubscriptionItem structure
Option EmailSubscriptionEnum

Type of notification:

  • RECEIVE_RECOMMENDATIONS: Yandex Direct news and recommendations.

  • TRACK_MANAGED_CAMPAIGNS: Notifications for campaigns that have a personal manager.

  • TRACK_POSITION_CHANGES: Warnings about traffic forecasts falling lower than the bid provided at the time of configuration.

If the type of notification isn't specified, it is created with the value NO.

Value YesNoEnum Whether to send this type of notification. Yes
ClientSettingAddItem structure
Option ClientSettingAddEnum

Setting name:

  • CORRECT_TYPOS_AUTOMATICALLY: Automatically fix errors and typos.

  • DISPLAY_STORE_RATING: Add data from external sources to the ad (see Data from third parties in the Help for Yandex Direct).

If the setting isn't specified, it is created with the value NO.

Value YesNoEnum Setting value. Yes
TinInfoAdd structure
TinType TinTypeEnum

Organization type:

  • LEGAL: A legal entity.
  • PHYSICAL: An individual.
  • INDIVIDUAL: An individual entrepreneur.
  • FOREIGN_LEGAL: A foreign legal entity.
  • FOREIGN_PHYSICAL: A foreign individual.
Tin string The taxpayer number or its equivalent in the country of registration.


Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
Login string

Username of a Yandex Direct user who is the chief representative of an advertiser.

This name is used to create a user in Yandex and Yandex Direct, so the username must be unique.

The username may include Latin characters, digits, a single hyphen, and a dot. It must start with a letter, end with a letter or number, and contain a maximum of 30 characters.

We do not recommend usernames that have dots in them (they should be replaced with hyphens) or uppercase characters.

FirstName string The user's first name (no more than 20 characters). The following characters are not allowed: &=<>. Yes
LastName string The user's last name (no more than 20 characters). The following characters are not allowed: &=<>. Yes
Currency CurrencyEnum

The advertiser's currency.

Grants array of GrantItem The advertiser's permissions for campaign management. If omitted, there aren't any permissions. No
Notification NotificationAdd Settings for SMS and email notifications for the advertiser's chief representative. Yes
Settings array of ClientSettingAddItem Advertiser settings that only allow YES or NO values. No
TinInfo TinInfoAdd

Tax data of the end-advertiser.


GrantItem structure
Privilege PrivilegeEnum

Name of the permission:

If the permission isn't specified, it is created with the value NO.

For the IMPORT_XLS permission, you can only set the YES value if the EDIT_CAMPAIGNS permission is also set to YES. Otherwise, an error is returned.

Value YesNoEnum Whether the advertiser has this permission. Yes
NotificationAdd structure
Lang LangEnum Language for notifications. Yes
Email string

The email address for sending notifications related to the account.

EmailSubscriptions array of EmailSubscriptionItem Types of notifications to send by email. Yes
EmailSubscriptionItem structure
Option EmailSubscriptionEnum

Type of notification:

  • RECEIVE_RECOMMENDATIONS: Yandex Direct news and recommendations.

  • TRACK_MANAGED_CAMPAIGNS: Notifications for campaigns that have a personal manager.

  • TRACK_POSITION_CHANGES: Warnings about traffic forecasts falling lower than the bid provided at the time of configuration.

If the type of notification isn't specified, it is created with the value NO.

Value YesNoEnum Whether to send this type of notification. Yes
ClientSettingAddItem structure
Option ClientSettingAddEnum

Setting name:

  • CORRECT_TYPOS_AUTOMATICALLY: Automatically fix errors and typos.

  • DISPLAY_STORE_RATING: Add data from external sources to the ad (see Data from third parties in the Help for Yandex Direct).

If the setting isn't specified, it is created with the value NO.

Value YesNoEnum Setting value. Yes
TinInfoAdd structure
TinType TinTypeEnum

Organization type:

  • LEGAL: A legal entity.
  • PHYSICAL: An individual.
  • INDIVIDUAL: An individual entrepreneur.
  • FOREIGN_LEGAL: A foreign legal entity.
  • FOREIGN_PHYSICAL: A foreign individual.
Tin string The taxpayer number or its equivalent in the country of registration.



Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": { /* result */
    "Login": (string),
    "Password":  (string),
    "Email":  (string),
    "ClientId": (long),
    "Warnings": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
      "Code": (int), /* required */
      "Message": (string), /* required */
      "Details": (string)
    }, ... ],
    "Errors": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
      "Code": (int), /* required */
      "Message": (string), /* required */
      "Details": (string)
    }, ... ]
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
Login string Username of a Yandex Direct user who is the chief representative of an advertiser. Returned if there aren't any errors. See the section Operations on object arrays.
Password string Automatically generated password for the user. Returned if there are no errors.
Email string Email address automatically generated from the username. Returned if there are no errors.
ClientId long ID of the created advertiser. Returned if there are no errors.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
Login string Username of a Yandex Direct user who is the chief representative of an advertiser. Returned if there aren't any errors. See the section Operations on object arrays.
Password string Automatically generated password for the user. Returned if there are no errors.
Email string Email address automatically generated from the username. Returned if there are no errors.
ClientId long ID of the created advertiser. Returned if there are no errors.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.