
Creates bid adjustments.

  1. Restrictions
  2. Request
  3. Response
  4. Examples


Maximum of 1 mobile adjustment per campaign or ad group.

Maximum of 1 video extension adjustment per campaign or ad group.

Maximum of 1 smart ad adjustment per campaign or ad group.

Maximum of 12 gender and age adjustments per campaign or ad group.

Maximum of 100 target audience adjustments per campaign or ad group.

Mobile adjustments can't be created for campaigns and ad groups for mobile app advertising.

Adjustments for computers, tablets, and Smart TVs can only be created for groups of display, Text & Image, and dynamic ads, and for groups of smart banners.

Video extension adjustments can only be created for campaigns and groups of Text & Image ads.

Smart ad adjustments can only be created for campaigns and groups of smart banners.

Group-level adjustments can only be created for unified performance groups.

To learn more about matching the types of bid adjustments to the types of campaigns and ad groups, see Acceptable types of bid adjustments by type of campaign and group.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "add",
  "params": { /* params */
    "BidModifiers": [{  /* BidModifierAddItem */
      "MobileAdjustment": {  /* MobileAdjustmentAdd */
        "BidModifier": (int), /* required */
        "OperatingSystemType": ( "IOS" | "ANDROID" )
      "TabletAdjustment": {  /* MobileAdjustmentAdd */
        "BidModifier": (int), /* required */
        "OperatingSystemType": ( "IOS" | "ANDROID" )
      "DesktopAdjustment": {  /* DesktopAdjustmentAdd */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      "DesktopOnlyAdjustment": {  /* DesktopAdjustmentAdd */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      "DemographicsAdjustments": [{  /* DemographicsAdjustmentAdd */
        "Gender": ( "GENDER_MALE" | "GENDER_FEMALE" ),
        "Age": ( "AGE_0_17" | "AGE_18_24" | "AGE_25_34" | "AGE_35_44" | "AGE_45" | "AGE_45_54" | "AGE_55" ),
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "RetargetingAdjustments": [{  /* RetargetingAdjustmentAdd */
        "RetargetingConditionId": (long), /* required */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "RegionalAdjustments": [{    /* RegionalAdjustmentAdd */
        "RegionId": (long), /* required */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "VideoAdjustment": { /* VideoAdjustmentAdd */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      "SmartAdAdjustment" : { /* SmartAdAdjustmentAdd */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      "SerpLayoutAdjustments": [{  /* SerpLayoutAdjustmentAdd */
        "SerpLayout": ( "ALONE" | "SUGGEST" ), /* required */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "IncomeGradeAdjustments": [{  /* IncomeGradeAdjustmentAdd */
        "Grade": ( "VERY_HIGH" | "HIGH" | "ABOVE_AVERAGE" ), /* required */
        "BidModifier": (int) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "AdGroupAdjustment" : {
        "BidModifier" : (int) /* required */
      "CampaignId": (long),
      "AdGroupId": (long)
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
BidModifiers array of BidModifierAddItem

Adjustments to add. Maximum of 1000 items in the array.

BidModifierAddItem structure
CampaignId long The campaign ID. Specified when creating bid adjustments at the campaign level. Either CampaignId or AdGroupId
AdGroupId long ID of the ad group. Specified when creating bid adjustments at the group level.
MobileAdjustment MobileAdjustmentAdd Adjustment on mobile phones. One of the following: MobileAdjustment, TabletAdjustment, DesktopAdjustment, DesktopOnlyAdjustment, DemographicsAdjustments, RetargetingAdjustments, RegionalAdjustments, VideoAdjustment, SmartAdAdjustment, SerpLayoutAdjustments, IncomeGradeAdjustments, AdGroupAdjustment.
TabletAdjustment TabletAdjustmentAdd Adjustment on tablets.
DesktopAdjustment DesktopAdjustmentAdd Adjustment on desktops and Smart TVs.
DesktopOnlyAdjustment DesktopOnlyAdjustmentAdd Adjustment only on desktops.
DemographicsAdjustments array of DemographicsAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for gender and age. Maximum of 12 items in the array.
RetargetingAdjustments array of RetargetingAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for the target audience. Maximum of 100 items in the array.
RegionalAdjustments array of RegionalAdjustmentAdd Adjustments by region.
VideoAdjustment VideoAdjustmentAdd Adjustment for video extensions.
SmartAdAdjustment SmartAdAdjustmentAdd Bid adjustment for smart ads.
SerpLayoutAdjustments array of SerpLayoutAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for exclusive placement.
IncomeGradeAdjustments array of IncomeGradeAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for income.
AdGroupAdjustment array of AdGroupAdjustmentAdd Group-level adjustments.
MobileAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads on mobile phones.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.
The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.
OperatingSystemType OperatingSystemTypeEnum

The type of operating system.

If this parameter is omitted, any operating system is acceptable.

TabletAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads on tablets.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.
The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.
OperatingSystemType OperatingSystemTypeEnum

The type of operating system.

If this parameter is omitted, any operating system is acceptable.

DesktopAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads on desktops and Smart TVs.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.

The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

Within a single ad group, you can't set the coefficient to 0 for mobile phones without specifying the OS and simultaneously set it to 0 for computers, tablets, and Smart TVs.

DesktopOnlyAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads only on desktops.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.

The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

Within a single ad group, you can't set the coefficient to 0 for mobile phones without specifying the OS and simultaneously set it to 0 for desktops.

DemographicsAdjustmentAdd structure
Gender GenderEnum

The user's gender: GENDER_MALE or GENDER_FEMALE.

If this parameter is omitted, any gender is assumed (in this case, the Age parameter must be specified).

At least one of the Gender or Age parameters.
Age AgeRangeEnum

The user's age group: one of the values AGE_0_17, AGE_18_24, AGE_25_34, AGE_35_44, AGE_45_54 or AGE_55.

The value AGE_45 has been deprecated. We recommend creating separate adjustments for AGE_45_54 and AGE_55.

If this parameter is omitted, any age is assumed (in this case, the Gender parameter must be specified).

Attention. The audience segments that have bid adjustments set for them must not coincide with each other or overlap. For example, you can't set simultaneous adjustments for the AGE_25_34 and the GENDER_MALE+AGE_25_34 groups.
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for displaying ads to users of the specified gender and/or age group.

Indicated as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

RetargetingAdjustmentAdd structure
RetargetingConditionId long ID of the retargeting list. The list must have the RETARGETING type. See Retargeting list (RetargetingList). Yes
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads to users who match the retargeting list.

Indicated as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

RegionalAdjustmentAdd structure
RegionId long

ID of the region from the reference list of regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for displaying ads in the specified region.

Indicated as a percentage from 10 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

VideoAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads with video extensions.

Indicated as a percentage from 50 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

SmartAdAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving a smart ad with a single product offer.

Indicated as a percentage from 20 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

SerpLayoutAdjustmentAdd structure
SerpLayout SerpLayoutEnum

The ad display place:

  • ALONE — Exclusive placement.
  • SUGGEST — Ads in autofill suggestions.
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads in the specified placement.

It's specified as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

IncomeGradeAdjustmentAdd structure
Grade IncomeGradeEnum

Income level:

  • HIGH
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads for users with a specific income level.

It's specified as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

AdGroupAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads from a specific group.

It's specified as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / AddRequest structure (for SOAP)
BidModifiers array of BidModifierAddItem

Adjustments to add. Maximum of 1000 items in the array.

BidModifierAddItem structure
CampaignId long The campaign ID. Specified when creating bid adjustments at the campaign level. Either CampaignId or AdGroupId
AdGroupId long ID of the ad group. Specified when creating bid adjustments at the group level.
MobileAdjustment MobileAdjustmentAdd Adjustment on mobile phones. One of the following: MobileAdjustment, TabletAdjustment, DesktopAdjustment, DesktopOnlyAdjustment, DemographicsAdjustments, RetargetingAdjustments, RegionalAdjustments, VideoAdjustment, SmartAdAdjustment, SerpLayoutAdjustments, IncomeGradeAdjustments, AdGroupAdjustment.
TabletAdjustment TabletAdjustmentAdd Adjustment on tablets.
DesktopAdjustment DesktopAdjustmentAdd Adjustment on desktops and Smart TVs.
DesktopOnlyAdjustment DesktopOnlyAdjustmentAdd Adjustment only on desktops.
DemographicsAdjustments array of DemographicsAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for gender and age. Maximum of 12 items in the array.
RetargetingAdjustments array of RetargetingAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for the target audience. Maximum of 100 items in the array.
RegionalAdjustments array of RegionalAdjustmentAdd Adjustments by region.
VideoAdjustment VideoAdjustmentAdd Adjustment for video extensions.
SmartAdAdjustment SmartAdAdjustmentAdd Bid adjustment for smart ads.
SerpLayoutAdjustments array of SerpLayoutAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for exclusive placement.
IncomeGradeAdjustments array of IncomeGradeAdjustmentAdd Adjustments for income.
AdGroupAdjustment array of AdGroupAdjustmentAdd Group-level adjustments.
MobileAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads on mobile phones.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.
The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.
OperatingSystemType OperatingSystemTypeEnum

The type of operating system.

If this parameter is omitted, any operating system is acceptable.

TabletAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads on tablets.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.
The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.
OperatingSystemType OperatingSystemTypeEnum

The type of operating system.

If this parameter is omitted, any operating system is acceptable.

DesktopAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads on desktops and Smart TVs.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.

The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

Within a single ad group, you can't set the coefficient to 0 for mobile phones without specifying the OS and simultaneously set it to 0 for computers, tablets, and Smart TVs.

DesktopOnlyAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads only on desktops.

Specified as a percentage:
  • From 0 to 1300 for bid adjustments in all types of campaigns and ad groups.

The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

Within a single ad group, you can't set the coefficient to 0 for mobile phones without specifying the OS and simultaneously set it to 0 for desktops.

DemographicsAdjustmentAdd structure
Gender GenderEnum

The user's gender: GENDER_MALE or GENDER_FEMALE.

If this parameter is omitted, any gender is assumed (in this case, the Age parameter must be specified).

At least one of the Gender or Age parameters.
Age AgeRangeEnum

The user's age group: one of the values AGE_0_17, AGE_18_24, AGE_25_34, AGE_35_44, AGE_45_54 or AGE_55.

The value AGE_45 has been deprecated. We recommend creating separate adjustments for AGE_45_54 and AGE_55.

If this parameter is omitted, any age is assumed (in this case, the Gender parameter must be specified).

Attention. The audience segments that have bid adjustments set for them must not coincide with each other or overlap. For example, you can't set simultaneous adjustments for the AGE_25_34 and the GENDER_MALE+AGE_25_34 groups.
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for displaying ads to users of the specified gender and/or age group.

Indicated as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

RetargetingAdjustmentAdd structure
RetargetingConditionId long ID of the retargeting list. The list must have the RETARGETING type. See Retargeting list (RetargetingList). Yes
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads to users who match the retargeting list.

Indicated as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

RegionalAdjustmentAdd structure
RegionId long

ID of the region from the reference list of regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for displaying ads in the specified region.

Indicated as a percentage from 10 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

VideoAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads with video extensions.

Indicated as a percentage from 50 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

SmartAdAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving a smart ad with a single product offer.

Indicated as a percentage from 20 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

SerpLayoutAdjustmentAdd structure
SerpLayout SerpLayoutEnum

The ad display place:

  • ALONE — Exclusive placement.
  • SUGGEST — Ads in autofill suggestions.
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads in the specified placement.

It's specified as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

IncomeGradeAdjustmentAdd structure
Grade IncomeGradeEnum

Income level:

  • HIGH
BidModifier int

Value of the bid coefficient for serving ads for users with a specific income level.

It's specified as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.

AdGroupAdjustmentAdd structure
BidModifier int

The value of the bid coefficient for serving ads from a specific group.

It's specified as a percentage from 0 to 1300. The bid is multiplied by the value of BidModifier/100.



  • Adding adjustments for gender and age for the same campaign or ad group is considered a single operation. If one of the coefficients has an error, none of them are created.

  • Adding target audience adjustments for the same campaign or ad group is considered a single operation. If one of the coefficients has an error, none of them are created.

  • Adding regional bid adjustments for the same campaign is considered a single operation. If one of the coefficients has an error, none of them are created.

Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": { /* result */
    "AddResults": [{  /* MultiIdsActionResult */
      "Ids": [(long), ... ],
      "Warnings": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
      }, ... ],
      "Errors": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
      }, ... ]
    }, ... ]
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
AddResults array of MultiIdsActionResult Results of adding bid adjustments.
MultiIdsActionResult structure
Ids array of long IDs of the created adjustments. Returned if there is no error. See Operations on object arrays. Returned in the same order as the adjustments were listed in the request.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / AddResponse structure (for SOAP)
AddResults array of MultiIdsActionResult Results of adding bid adjustments.
MultiIdsActionResult structure
Ids array of long IDs of the created adjustments. Returned if there is no error. See Operations on object arrays. Returned in the same order as the adjustments were listed in the request.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.


Request example
  "method": "add",
  "params": {
    "BidModifiers": [
      { // 1. Two bid adjustments, for gender and age
        "CampaignId": 10001,
        "DemographicsAdjustments": [
            "Gender": "GENDER_MALE",
            "Age": "AGE_25_34",
            "BidModifier": 101
            "Age": "AGE_45_54",
            "BidModifier": 140
      { // 2. Bid adjustments for overlapping audience segments   
        "CampaignId": 10002,
        "DemographicsAdjustments": [
            "Gender": "GENDER_MALE",
            "Age": "AGE_25_34",
            "BidModifier": 120
            "Age": "AGE_25_34",
            "BidModifier": 170
      { // 3.// 3. Unacceptable coefficient value
        "CampaignId": 10003,
        "DemographicsAdjustments": [
            "Gender": "GENDER_MALE",
            "Age": "AGE_25_34",
            "BidModifier": 120
            "Gender": "GENDER_FEMALE",
            "Age": "AGE_35_44",
            "BidModifier": 10000
      { // 4. Bid adjustment for target audience created at an ad group level
        "AdGroupId": 500001,
        "RetargetingAdjustments": [
            "RetargetingConditionId": 2004,
            "BidModifier": 201
Response example
  "result" : {
    "AddResults" : [
      { // 1. Created two bid adjustments, for gender and age
        "Ids": [ 1003, 1004 ]
      { // 2. Overlapping segments. No bid adjustments created
        "Errors": [
            "Code": 6000,
            "Message": "Inconsistent object state",
            "Details": "Overlapping bid adjustment criteria in the set"
      { // 3. Unacceptable value. No bid adjustments created
        "Errors": [
            "Code": 5005,
            "Message": "Field value is unacceptable",
            "Details": "The coefficient can't be greater than 1300"
      { // 4. Bid adjustment for target audience created at an ad group level
        "Ids": [ 1005 ]