add: MobileAppCampaign parameters

Attention. All monetary campaign parameters (daily budget, weekly budget, and average price for automatic strategies) are passed via the Yandex Direct API as integer numbers. The passed value is a monetary value in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

Manual bid management will be disabled for the Yandex Advertising Network. Learn more.

  • Starting April 22, 2024, you will no longer be able to create new campaigns with a manual strategy. The "Network.BiddingStrategyType" parameter in the "add" and "update" methods will no longer support the MAXIMUM_COVERAGE strategy for TextCampaign and MobileAppCampaign campaigns. These campaigns will also cease to support the "resume" method. Attempting to use it will result in a validation error.
  • Starting May 20, 2024, you will no longer be able to edit bids in active campaigns: the "set" method will no longer support the "Bids.ContextBid (KeywordBids.NetworkBid)" parameter. Attempting to use it will result in a validation error.
  • In June, 2024, active campaigns will be stopped. Attempting to use the "resume" method for campaigns with the MAXIMUM_COVERAGE strategy specified in the "Network.BiddingStrategyType" parameter will return a validation error unless you switch to an available strategy. In the future, the strategy for these stopped and archived campaigns will be changed to "WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS" (the campaigns themselves won't be re-launched or unarchived).

Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "add",
  "params": {
    "Campaigns": [{  /* CampaignAddItem */
      "MobileAppCampaign": {  /* MobileAppCampaignAddItem */
        "BiddingStrategy": {  /* MobileAppCampaignStrategyAdd */
          "Search": {  /* MobileAppCampaignSearchStrategyAdd */
            "BiddingStrategyType": ( "AVERAGE_CPC" | ... | "WEEKLY_CLICK_PACKAGE" ), /* required */
            "WbMaximumClicks": {  /* StrategyMaximumClicksAdd */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* required */
              "BidCeiling": (long)
            "WbMaximumAppInstalls": {  /* StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* required */
              "BidCeiling": (long)
            "AverageCpc": {  /* StrategyAverageCpcAdd */
              "AverageCpc": (long), /* required */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": {
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "AverageCpi": {  /* StrategyAverageCpiAdd */
              "AverageCpi": (long), /* required */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": {
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "WeeklyClickPackage": {  /* StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd */
              "ClicksPerWeek": (long), /* required */
              "AverageCpc": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long)
            "PayForInstall" : {  /* StrategyPayForInstallAdd */
              "AverageCpi" : (long) /* required */,
              "WeeklySpendLimit" : (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": {
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
          }, /* required */
          "Network": {  /* MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyAdd */
            "BiddingStrategyType": ( "AVERAGE_CPC" | ... | "WEEKLY_CLICK_PACKAGE" ), /* required */
            "NetworkDefault": {  /* StrategyNetworkDefaultAdd */
              "LimitPercent": (int)
            "WbMaximumClicks": {  /* StrategyMaximumClicksAdd */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* required */
              "BidCeiling": (long)
            "WbMaximumAppInstalls": {  /* StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* required */
              "BidCeiling": (long)
            "AverageCpc": {  /* StrategyAverageCpcAdd */
              "AverageCpc": (long), /* required */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": {
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "AverageCpi": {  /* StrategyAverageCpiAdd */
              "AverageCpi": (long), /* required */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": {
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "WeeklyClickPackage": {  /* StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd */
              "ClicksPerWeek": (long), /* required */
              "AverageCpc": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long)
            "PayForInstall" : {  /* StrategyPayForInstallAdd */
              "AverageCpi" : (long) /* required */,
              "WeeklySpendLimit" : (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": {
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
          } /* required */
        }, /* required */
        "Settings": [{  /* MobileAppCampaignSetting */
          "Option": ( "ADD_TO_FAVORITES" | ... | "REQUIRE_SERVICING" ), /* required */
          "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        }, ... ],
        "NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds" : { /* nillable */
          "Items" : [ (long) ] /* required */
    }, ...] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
MobileAppCampaignAddItem structure
Settings array of MobileAppCampaignSetting Array of settings that only accept the values YES or NO. No
BiddingStrategy MobileAppCampaignStrategyAdd Display strategy. Yes
NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds ArrayOfLong, nillable

IDs of sets of negative keywords. Maximum of 3 items in the array.

To get the IDs of sets, use the NegativeKeywordSharedSets.get method.

MobileAppCampaignSetting structure
Option MobileAppCampaignSettingsEnum

Setting name:

Value YesNoEnum Setting value. Yes
MobileAppCampaignStrategyAdd structure
Network MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyAdd Display strategy in ad networks. Yes
MobileAppCampaignSearchStrategyAdd structure
BiddingStrategyType MobileAppCampaignSearchStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in search results:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.

WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicksAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumAppInstalls StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy without specifying the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_APP_INSTALLS
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpcAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpi StrategyAverageCpiAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy and keep the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPI
PayForInstall StrategyPayForInstallAdd Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per installation. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_INSTALL
WeeklyClickPackage StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd

Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by click package.


The parameter is deprecated and no longer supported.

When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WEEKLY_CLICK_PACKAGE
MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyAdd structure
BiddingStrategyType MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in ad networks:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.


The NETWORK_DEFAULT parameter is not supported for the HIGHEST_POSITION manual strategy.


Settings for impressions in ad networks based on the settings for search.

If a search strategy other than HIGHEST_POSITION is selected, pass an empty structure.

When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value NETWORK_DEFAULT
WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicksAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumAppInstalls StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy without specifying the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_APP_INSTALLS
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpcAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpi StrategyAverageCpiAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy and keep the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPI
PayForInstall StrategyPayForInstallAdd Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per installation. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_INSTALL
WeeklyClickPackage StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd

Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by click package.


The parameter is deprecated and no longer supported.

When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WEEKLY_CLICK_PACKAGE
StrategyMaximumClicksAdd structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyAverageCpcAdd structure
AverageCpc long

The average CPC in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyAverageCpiAdd structure
AverageCpi long

The average cost of an app installation in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum acceptable value is shown in the section Currency parameters and limits.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyPayForInstallAdd structure
AverageCpi long

Cost of an app installation in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum acceptable values are shown in Currency parameters and restrictions.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd structure
ClicksPerWeek long Desired number of clicks per week. Yes
AverageCpc long

The average CPC in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. The AverageCpc and BidCeiling parameters are mutually exclusive. You can't specify both of them.
BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyNetworkDefaultAdd structure
LimitPercent int

The maximum percentage of the budget to spend on displays in ad networks. The value is a multiple of ten: 10, 20, ..., 100. The default value is 100.

If a search strategy other than HIGHEST_POSITION is selected, the parameter is not used and the passed value is ignored.

CustomPeriodBudget structure
SpendLimit long

Budget size for a custom period.

StartDate string

Start of the budget period.

EndDate string End of the budget period. Yes
AutoContinue YesNoEnum Flag to autocontinue the budget period. Yes
Parameter Type Description Required
MobileAppCampaignAddItem structure
Settings array of MobileAppCampaignSetting Array of settings that only accept the values YES or NO. No
BiddingStrategy MobileAppCampaignStrategyAdd Display strategy. Yes
NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds ArrayOfLong, nillable

IDs of sets of negative keywords. Maximum of 3 items in the array.

To get the IDs of sets, use the NegativeKeywordSharedSets.get method.

MobileAppCampaignSetting structure
Option MobileAppCampaignSettingsEnum

Setting name:

Value YesNoEnum Setting value. Yes
MobileAppCampaignStrategyAdd structure
Search MobileAppCampaignSearchStrategyAdd Display strategy in search results. Yes
Network MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyAdd Display strategy in ad networks. Yes
MobileAppCampaignSearchStrategyAdd structure
BiddingStrategyType MobileAppCampaignSearchStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in search results:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.

WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicksAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumAppInstalls StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy without specifying the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_APP_INSTALLS
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpcAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpi StrategyAverageCpiAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy and keep the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPI
PayForInstall StrategyPayForInstallAdd Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per installation. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_INSTALL
WeeklyClickPackage StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd

Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by click package.


The parameter is deprecated and no longer supported.

When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WEEKLY_CLICK_PACKAGE
MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyAdd structure
BiddingStrategyType MobileAppCampaignNetworkStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in ad networks:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.


The NETWORK_DEFAULT parameter is not supported for the HIGHEST_POSITION manual strategy.


Settings for impressions in ad networks based on the settings for search.

If a search strategy other than HIGHEST_POSITION is selected, pass an empty structure.

When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value NETWORK_DEFAULT
WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicksAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumAppInstalls StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy without specifying the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_APP_INSTALLS
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpcAdd Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpi StrategyAverageCpiAdd Parameters of the Optimize number of app installations strategy and keep the average CPI. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPI
PayForInstall StrategyPayForInstallAdd Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per installation. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_INSTALL
WeeklyClickPackage StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd

Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by click package.


The parameter is deprecated and no longer supported.

When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WEEKLY_CLICK_PACKAGE
StrategyMaximumClicksAdd structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyMaximumAppInstallsAdd structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyAverageCpcAdd structure
AverageCpc long

The average CPC in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyAverageCpiAdd structure
AverageCpi long

The average cost of an app installation in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum acceptable value is shown in the section Currency parameters and limits.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyPayForInstallAdd structure
AverageCpi long

Cost of an app installation in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum acceptable values are shown in Currency parameters and restrictions.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyWeeklyClickPackageAdd structure
ClicksPerWeek long Desired number of clicks per week. Yes
AverageCpc long

The average CPC in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. The AverageCpc and BidCeiling parameters are mutually exclusive. You can't specify both of them.
BidCeiling long

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
StrategyNetworkDefaultAdd structure
LimitPercent int

The maximum percentage of the budget to spend on displays in ad networks. The value is a multiple of ten: 10, 20, ..., 100. The default value is 100.

If a search strategy other than HIGHEST_POSITION is selected, the parameter is not used and the passed value is ignored.

CustomPeriodBudget structure
SpendLimit long

Budget size for a custom period.

StartDate string

Start of the budget period.

EndDate string End of the budget period. Yes
AutoContinue YesNoEnum Flag to autocontinue the budget period. Yes