
Search for geographical features

Search for a feature by name:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=Quranic Park&type=geo&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Search for an object by address:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=10/1, Al Sewak Street&type=geo&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Query with the typo "Dabai". The response will contain the corrected version.


Search for businesses

Search for a business by name:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=Bank Alfalah&type=biz&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Search for a business by phone number:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=+971 4 2075955&type=biz&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Search for a business by service provided:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=haircuts, hairstyles&type=biz&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Search for a business with the address specified:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=Autorent Car Rental,Al Marija Street&type=biz&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Search for a business by multiple parameters:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=pharmacy,24 hours,pay with card&type=biz&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Search for objects in a specified area

If the request specifies the search area, the results will show objects that are closest to this area first. For example:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=Al Noor Island&ll=25.321746,55.368328&spn=0.552069,0.400552&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Restricting the number of results in the response

Some requests may match multiple objects. In the geocoder request, you can specify the amount of objects to display and the number of the first one.

Output the first 5 results:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=Abbas Bin Bisher Street&results=5&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY

Output one result, starting from the third:

https://search-maps.yandex.ru/v1/?text=Etihad Museum&results=1&skip=2&lang=en_US&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY