Terms of use

Static Service


Information — the geographic information available through the system (GIS) «Yandex Map of the Russian Federation territory», «Yandex Map of the CIS territory (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan)», «Yandex Map of the Turkish territory», «Yandex Map of the French territory», duly licensed by Yandex.

Query — a query for the Services through the Platform to obtain Information.

Organizations — legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, businesses, details of which (including the location address, working hours, office phone, but not limited to) the Yandex has in the Information.

Platform — a service Yandex Maps «Static Service», which is designed to automatically obtain Information.


1.1. According to the Terms Contractor hereby provides the Customer with the Services by providing the Information through the Platform during the Service term in the following ways:

1.1.1. generate Queries to the Platform in order to obtain Information for its further display on the Customer’s own website or application and the ability to display its own data on the background strictly against the background of the service map «Yandex Maps» as available in the specified service;

1.1.2. make available the Information obtained through the Platform to the public, including the closed systems of the Customer, access to which is limited, strictly against the background of the service map «Yandex Maps» as available in the specified service;


2.1. The Customer shall:

2.1.1. Use the latest two current versions of modern browsers for the purpose of the Services provision. Otherwise, the Yandex does not guarantee optimal provision of the Services through the Platform;

2.1.2. Use the latest version of the update Platform;

2.1.3. Do not to remove, change the order or sorting, hide and/or modify the Information obtained through the Platform, the other information received, including, but not limited to, promotional materials, trademarks, logos, links or other references to copyright holders, as well as any other notices and/or information transmitted by the Platform together with the Information.
