YMAAdMobCustomEventNativeAdView Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in YMAAdMobCustomEventNativeAdView.h
Conforms to NSObject
Declared in YMAAdMobCustomEventNativeAdView.h


The protocol provides methods for rendering native ads into a view.

  1. Methods
    1. – nativeAgeLabel
    2. – nativeFaviconImageView
    3. – nativeImageView
    4. – nativeRatingView
    5. – nativeReviewCountLabel
    6. – nativeWarningLabel


– nativeAgeLabel

UILabel for age restrictions. Required if the component value for the kYMAAdMobNativeAdAgeExtraAsset key is not nil. See the list of keys in YMAAdMobNativeAdExtraAssets.

- (UILabel *)nativeAgeLabel

– nativeFaviconImageView

UIImageView for the web page’s favicon.

- (UIImageView *)nativeFaviconImageView

– nativeImageView

UIImageView for the main image. Whether imageView is used in GADUnifiedNativeAdView.

- (UIImageView *)nativeImageView

– nativeRatingView

UIView that implements the YMARating protocol for rating the app.

- (UIView<YMARating> *)nativeRatingView

– nativeReviewCountLabel

UILabel for the number of app reviews.

- (UILabel *)nativeReviewCountLabel

– nativeWarningLabel

UILabel for the warning. Required if the component value for the kYMAAdMobNativeAdWarningExtraAsset key is not nil. See the list of keys in YMAAdMobNativeAdExtraAssets.

- (UILabel *)nativeWarningLabel

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