Getting started

Instructions for uploading an RSS feed in Yandex.Webmaster.

Step 1. Get an OAuth token

To work with the Yandex.Turbo pages API, you need to get an access token, for example, using Yandex.Webmaster:
  1. Go to the Turbo pages for content sites → Data sources page.
  2. In the Upload via API block, click the Get token button.

You have to send the OAuth token in every request in the Authorization HTTP header.

Step 2. Get the user ID

User ID is required when calling the Turbo pages API. It is passed in the user-id path parameter.

To get the ID, use the GET /v4/user operation.

curl -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_token'
Copied to clipboard

The user ID is returned in the user-id field.

Step 3. Get the RSS feed upload link

To get a upload link, use the GET /v4/user/{user-id} / hosts/{host-id} / turbo/uploaddress operation.
Attention. Before publishing Turbo pages, we recommend to validate the markup and the correctness of display in the DEBUG mode. The mode is set with the mode query parameter when receiving the upload URL. We also recommend reviewing the RSS feed restrictions.
curl -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_token'
Copied to clipboard

The download link is returned in the upload_address field. Use it for uploading the RSS feed.

Step 4. Upload the RSS feed

To upload the RSS feed, send a POST request to the URL you received in the previous step. The request must specify the Content-Type: application/rss+xml header and send the RSS feed in the request body as a binary file or as a string.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_token' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/rss+xml' \
  -d '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:yandex="" xmlns:turbo="">
    <item turbo="true">
      <title>Page title</title>
            <h1>The Healthy Breakfast restaurant</h1>
            <h2>Healthy and delicious</h2>
              <img src="">
              <a href="">Menu item 1</a>
              <a href="">Menu item 2</a>
          <p>What's a good way to start the day? With a delicious and healthy breakfast!</p>
          <p>Join us for breakfast. Check out photos of our dishes <a href="#">on our website</a>.</p>
            <img src="">
            <figcaption>Omelette with herbs</figcaption>
          <p>Our menu always contains fresh, delicious and healthy options.</p>
          <p>Find out for yourself.</p>
          <button formaction="tel:+7(123)456-78-90"
            data-primary="true">Reserve a table</button>
          <div data-block="widget-feedback" data-stick="false">
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="whatsapp" data-url=""></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="telegram" data-url=""></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="vkontakte" data-url=""></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="facebook" data-url=""></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="viber" data-url=""></div>
          <p>Our address: <a href="#">Nullam dolor massa, porta a nulla in, ultricies vehicula arcu.</a></p>
          <p>Photos —</p>
Copied to clipboard

The operation returns the ID of the RSS feed upload task in the task_id field. It is needed to check the upload status.

Step 5. Check the upload status

To check the RSS feed upload status, pass the task ID in the task_id path parameter of the GET /v4/user/{user-id}/ hosts/{host-id}/turbo/tasks/{task-id} operation.

The upload result contains:
  • Links to view examples of Turbo page display.
  • Information about errors, if they occur.
Note. The RSS feed processing takes a long time.
curl -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_token'
Copied to clipboard