Autoparsing β

Attention. Autoparsing works in beta mode and is not available for all sites.
Turbo pages for media sites can be generated:
  • Manually from the RSS feed.
  • Automatically with Autoparsing.

If the Webmaster interface on the page Data sources has the Autoparsing block, the Turbo pages for your site are already formed and you can connect.

How Autoparsing works

The Turbo page is formed in several stages using Autoparsing:

  1. Main indexing Yandex robot crawls the site pages with some frequency and loads the page markup in its database.
    Note. The robot crawls only those pages that are allowed for indexing and are already included in the search.
  2. A special robot analyzes the layout of the main page and forms its Turbo version.
  3. Moderators check that the content part of the source page is present on its Turbo version. If some of the content is missing, the Turbo page is not generated.
  4. If the Turbo page is generated, the Autoparsing block appears on the Turbo pages for content sites → Data sources in Yandex.Webmaster.
Note. If you already send the RSS feed for Turbo page generation, Autoparsing can form the missing pages automatically.

If one site page has two Turbo versions (one from the RSS feed and one that was automatically generated), the priority is given to the version generated via the RSS feed.