Registering an app

The app developer must register the app on the OAuth server in order to receive tokens for Yandex users.

You can register the app on the New client page. Only the name and accesses are required for each app, but more information about the app helps the users understand exactly who they are allowing to access their account.

All apps you created can be found in your apps list.

  1. App description
  2. Platforms
  3. Accesses
  4. App parameters

App description

The name, icon, and set of required access rights are displayed:


Settings specific to the platforms your app is running on. For example, the Callback URI field becomes available only if the Web services option is selected.

iOS app

iOS Appid (Prefix + Bundle id)

The exact ID of the iOS app, for example,

Learn more about iOS app IDs in the Apple documentation.

iOS AppStore URL

Link to the app in the AppStore.

Android app

Android package name

The app package name (the applicationId field in the build.gradle file of your module).

Read more about Android app IDs in Android documentation.

Android Google Play URL Link to the app in Google Play.
SHA256 Fingerprints The certificate fingerprint of your app. Learn more about generating a fingerprint in the Android documentation.
Web service
Callback URI

The URL that the user returns to after granting or denying access to the app (corresponds to the OAuth redirect_uri parameter).

You can specify multiple Callback URIs (for example, for testing and production environments). When requesting a token, specify the URL in the redirect_uri parameter.

To get debug tokens for this app, click Set URL for development. The field will be filled with a test URL that allows you to get debug tokens manually.

iOS app

iOS Appid (Prefix + Bundle id)

The exact ID of the iOS app, for example,

Learn more about iOS app IDs in the Apple documentation.

iOS AppStore URL

Link to the app in the AppStore.

Android app

Android package name

The app package name (the applicationId field in the build.gradle file of your module).

Read more about Android app IDs in Android documentation.

Android Google Play URL Link to the app in Google Play.
SHA256 Fingerprints The certificate fingerprint of your app. Learn more about generating a fingerprint in the Android documentation.
Web service
Callback URI

The URL that the user returns to after granting or denying access to the app (corresponds to the OAuth redirect_uri parameter).

You can specify multiple Callback URIs (for example, for testing and production environments). When requesting a token, specify the URL in the redirect_uri parameter.

To get debug tokens for this app, click Set URL for development. The field will be filled with a test URL that allows you to get debug tokens manually.


To choose permissions for your app, expand the sections and select the required access rights.

Depending on the selected rights, the moderation requirements and token lifetime may differ (displayed in the App parameters block at the bottom of the page).

App parameters

This block displays restrictions imposed on the apps based on the chosen access rights. For example, for the Yandex.Webmaster API, the token lifetime is limited to 180 days.