update: UnifiedCampaign parameters

Attention. All monetary campaign parameters (daily budget, weekly budget, and average price for automatic strategies) are passed via the Yandex Direct API as integer numbers. The passed value is a monetary value in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

To manage unified performance campaigns, use the URL: https://api.direct.yandex.com/v501/.

Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "update",
  "params": {
    "Campaigns": [{  /* CampaignUpdateItem */
      "UnifiedCampaign": {  /* UnifiedCampaignUpdateItem */
        "BiddingStrategy": {  /* UnifiedCampaignStrategy */
          "Search": {  /* UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategy */
            "PlacementTypes" : {
              "SearchResults" : ( "YES" | "NO" ),
              "ProductGallery" : ( "YES" | "NO" )
            "WbMaximumClicks": {  /* StrategyMaximumClicks */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "WbMaximumConversionRate": {  /* StrategyMaximumConversionRate */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long), /* nillable */
              "GoalId": (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "AverageCpc": {  /* StrategyAverageCpc */
              "AverageCpc": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
            "AverageCpa": {  /* StrategyAverageCpa */
              "AverageCpa": (long),
              "GoalId": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
              "BidCeiling": (long), /* nillable */
              "ExplorationBudget" : { /* nillable */
                "MinimumExplorationBudget" : (long) /* required */,
                "IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom" : ("YES") /* required */
            "AverageCrr": {  /* StrategyAverageCrr */
              "Crr": (int),
              "GoalId": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
              "ExplorationBudget" : { /* nillable */
                "MinimumExplorationBudget" : (long) /* required */,
                "IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom" : ("YES") /* required */
            "PayForConversionCrr": {  /* StrategyPayForConversionCrr */
              "Crr": (int),
              "GoalId": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
            "PayForConversion" : { /* StrategyPayForConversion */
              "Cpa" : (long),
              "GoalId" : (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit" : (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
          "Network": {  /* UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategy */
            "WbMaximumClicks": {  /* StrategyMaximumClicks */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "WbMaximumConversionRate": {  /* StrategyMaximumConversionRate */
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long),
              "BidCeiling": (long), /* nillable */
              "GoalId": (long),
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
            "AverageCpc": {  /* StrategyAverageCpc */
              "AverageCpc": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
            "AverageCpa": {  /* StrategyAverageCpa */
              "AverageCpa": (long),
              "GoalId": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
              "BidCeiling": (long), /* nillable */
              "ExplorationBudget" : { /* nillable */
                "MinimumExplorationBudget" : (long) /* required */,
                "IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom" : ("YES") /* required */
            "AverageCrr": {  /* StrategyAverageCrr */
              "Crr": (int),
              "GoalId": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
              "ExplorationBudget" : { /* nillable */
                "MinimumExplorationBudget" : (long) /* required */,
                "IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom" : ("YES") /* required */
            "PayForConversionCrr": {  /* StrategyPayForConversionCrr */
              "Crr": (int),
              "GoalId": (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit": (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
            "PayForConversion" : { /* StrategyPayForConversion */
              "Cpa" : (long),
              "GoalId" : (long),
              "WeeklySpendLimit" : (long), /* nillable */
              "CustomPeriodBudget": { /* nillable */
                "SpendLimit": (long),
                "StartDate": (string),
                "EndDate": (string),
                "AutoContinue": ("YES" | "NO")
              "BudgetType": ("WEEKLY_BUDGET" | "CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET") /* nillable */,
        "Settings": [{  /* UnifiedCampaignSetting */
          "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        }, ... ],
        "CounterIds": {  /* ArrayOfInteger */
          "Items": [(int), ... ] /* required */
        }, /* nillable */
        "PriorityGoals": { /* PriorityGoalsUpdateSetting */
          "Items": [{ /* PriorityGoalsUpdateItem */
            "GoalId": (long), /* required */
            "Value": (long), /* required */
            "Operation": ( "SET" ), /* required */
            "IsMetrikaSourceOfValue": ( "YES" | "NO" )
          }, ... ] /* required */
        }, /* nillable */
        "TrackingParams" : (string),
        "AttributionModel": ( "FC" | "LC" | "LSC" | "LYDC" | "FCCD" | "LSCCD" | "LYDCCD" | "AUTO" ),
        "PackageBiddingStrategy": {
          "StrategyId": (long),
          "StrategyFromCampaignId": (long),
          "Platforms" : {
            "SearchResult" : ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */,
            "ProductGallery" : ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */,
            "Network" : ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        "NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds" : { /* nillable */
          "Items" : [ (long) ] /* required */
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
UnifiedCampaignUpdateItem structure
Settings array of UnifiedCampaignSetting Array of settings that only accept the values YES or NO. No
CounterIds ArrayOfInteger, nillable The IDs of Yandex Metrica tags installed on the advertiser's site (see Yandex Metrica: advertising campaign efficiency evaluation in the Help for Yandex Direct). No
TrackingParams string

URL parameters for templates.

AttributionModel AttributionModelEnum

The attribution model used for optimizing conversions (see Attribution model in the Help for Yandex Direct).

Possible values:

  • FC — First click.
  • LC — Last click.
  • LSC — Last significant (non-direct) click.
  • LYDC — Last click from Yandex Direct.
  • FCCD – First cross-device click.
  • LSCCD – Last significant (non-direct) cross-device click.
  • LYDCCD – Last Yandex Direct cross-device click.
  • AUTO – Automatic attribution.
PackageBiddingStrategy UnifiedCampaignPackageBiddingStrategyUpdate, nillable

Links a campaign to the specified strategy. If Null (nil), the campaign is unlinked from the portfolio strategy. In this case, be sure to pass a new value for BiddingStrategy.

You can't pass the following parameters in this field:

  • BiddingStrategy
  • PriorityGoals
  • CounterIds
  • AttributionModel

To pass those parameters, unlink the campaign from the portfolio strategy by specifying a new value for BiddingStrategy and resetting the PackageBiddingStrategy: null parameter value.

BiddingStrategy UnifiedCampaignStrategy Display strategy. No
PriorityGoals PriorityGoalsUpdateSetting, nillable

Priority goals for automatic bid adjustments.

null (nil) — Delete the set of priority goals. In this case, automatic bid adjustments are used to obtain the maximum number of engaged sessions (see Engaged session figures in the Help for Yandex Direct).

NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds ArrayOfLong, nillable

IDs of sets of negative keywords. Maximum of 3 items in the array.

To get the IDs of sets, use the NegativeKeywordSharedSets.get method.

UnifiedCampaignSetting structure
Option UnifiedCampaignSettingsEnum

Setting name:

Value YesNoEnum Setting value. Yes
PriorityGoalsUpdateSetting structure
Items array of PriorityGoalsUpdateItem A new set of priority goals and conversion values to replace the existing set. Yes
PriorityGoalsUpdateItem structure
GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal to prioritize when automatically adjusting bids. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

A value of 12 corresponds to the goal “Engaged sessions”.

Value long The conversion value is a monetary estimation of the advertiser's profit when when the goal is completed, in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000. The higher the conversion value, the higher the priority to achieve conversions for this goal. Yes
Operation OperationEnum

Type of action with the set of priority goals. Currently, only the SET value is available.

IsMetrikaSourceOfValue YesNoEnum Priority goal value source: Yandex Metrica goal. The YES value is only used for strategies with an ad revenue ratio. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to AVERAGE_CRR or PAY_FOR_CONVERSION_CRR
UnifiedCampaignPackageBiddingStrategyUpdate structure
StrategyId long Portfolio strategy ID. No
StrategyFromCampaignId long ID of the campaign the portfolio strategy was created from. No
Platforms UnifiedCampaignPlatforms

Ad placement platform.

UnifiedCampaignPlatforms structure
SearchResult YesNoEnum Search results. Yes
ProductGallery YesNoEnum Product gallery. Yes
Network YesNoEnum Yandex Advertising Network. Yes
UnifiedCampaignStrategy structure
Network UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategy Display strategy in ad networks. No
UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategy structure
BiddingStrategyType UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in search results:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.

PlacementTypes UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategyPlacementTypes

Placements in search results.

WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicks Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumConversionRate StrategyMaximumConversionRate Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy without specifying the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CONVERSION_RATE
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpc Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpa StrategyAverageCpa Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy and keep the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPA
AverageCrr StrategyAverageCrr Strategy parameters Optimize cost revenue ratio, maintain average cost revenue ratio When the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to AVERAGE_CRR
PayForConversionCrr StrategyPayForConversionCrr Parameters of the Optimize cost revenue ratio strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION_CRR
PayForConversion StrategyPayForConversion Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION
UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategy structure
BiddingStrategyType UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in ad networks:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.

WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicks Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumConversionRate StrategyMaximumConversionRate Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy without specifying the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CONVERSION_RATE
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpc Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpa StrategyAverageCpa Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy and keep the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPA
AverageCrr StrategyAverageCrr Strategy parameters Optimize cost revenue ratio, maintain average cost revenue ratio When the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to AVERAGE_CRR
PayForConversionCrr StrategyPayForConversionCrr Parameters of the Optimize cost revenue ratio strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION_CRR
PayForConversion StrategyPayForConversion Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION
UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategyPlacementTypes structure
SearchResults YesNoEnum

Search results.

ProductGallery YesNoEnum

Product gallery.

StrategyMaximumClicks structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long, nillable

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyMaximumConversionRate structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long, nillable

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

The value 13 indicates priority goals. Allowed if the PriorityGoals array specifies at least one goal that is different from engaged sessions.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyAverageCpc structure
AverageCpc long

The average CPC in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

WeeklySpendLimit long, nillable

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

StrategyAverageCpa structure
AverageCpa long

The average cost of a conversion (CPA) in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long, nillable

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

BidCeiling long, nillable

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
ExplorationBudget ExplorationBudget

Minimum budget. Read more in Yandex Direct Help.

If the field is not set, the minimum budget won't change.

To set the default value, pass ExplorationBudget=NULL.

To set a custom minimum budget, use the MinimumExplorationBudget parameter and set IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom="YES".

If IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom is NO, the operation raises an error.

StrategyAverageCrr structure
Crr int

Average cost revenue ratio.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

ExplorationBudget ExplorationBudget

Minimum budget. Read more in Yandex Direct Help.

If the field is not set, the minimum budget won't change.

To set the default value, pass ExplorationBudget=NULL.

To set a custom minimum budget, use the MinimumExplorationBudget parameter and set IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom="YES".

If IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom is NO, the operation raises an error.

StrategyPayForConversionCrr structure
Crr int

Average cost revenue ratio.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

StrategyPayForConversion structure
Cpa long

Cost of a conversion (CPA) in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum CPA values are listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long, nillable

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency must be at least the value of the Cpaparameter, multiplied by 20. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

ExplorationBudget structure
MinimumExplorationBudget long

Minimum budget value.

Acceptable value: between 0 and the weekly budget (if set).

Yes, if the request includes the ExplorationBudget structure.
IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom YesNoEnum A flag indicating a custom minimum budget. Yes, if the request includes the ExplorationBudget structure.
CustomPeriodBudget structure
SpendLimit long

Budget size for a custom period.

StartDate string

Start of the budget period.

EndDate string End of the budget period. Yes
AutoContinue YesNoEnum Flag to autocontinue the budget period. Yes
Parameter Type Description Required
UnifiedCampaignUpdateItem structure
Settings array of UnifiedCampaignSetting Array of settings that only accept the values YES or NO. No
CounterIds ArrayOfInteger, nillable The IDs of Yandex Metrica tags installed on the advertiser's site (see Yandex Metrica: advertising campaign efficiency evaluation in the Help for Yandex Direct). No
TrackingParams string

URL parameters for templates.

AttributionModel AttributionModelEnum

The attribution model used for optimizing conversions (see Attribution model in the Help for Yandex Direct).

Possible values:

  • FC — First click.
  • LC — Last click.
  • LSC — Last significant (non-direct) click.
  • LYDC — Last click from Yandex Direct.
  • FCCD – First cross-device click.
  • LSCCD – Last significant (non-direct) cross-device click.
  • LYDCCD – Last Yandex Direct cross-device click.
  • AUTO – Automatic attribution.
PackageBiddingStrategy UnifiedCampaignPackageBiddingStrategyUpdate, nillable

Links a campaign to the specified strategy. If Null (nil), the campaign is unlinked from the portfolio strategy. In this case, be sure to pass a new value for BiddingStrategy.

You can't pass the following parameters in this field:

  • BiddingStrategy
  • PriorityGoals
  • CounterIds
  • AttributionModel

To pass those parameters, unlink the campaign from the portfolio strategy by specifying a new value for BiddingStrategy and resetting the PackageBiddingStrategy: null parameter value.

BiddingStrategy UnifiedCampaignStrategy Display strategy. No
PriorityGoals PriorityGoalsUpdateSetting, nillable

Priority goals for automatic bid adjustments.

null (nil) — Delete the set of priority goals. In this case, automatic bid adjustments are used to obtain the maximum number of engaged sessions (see Engaged session figures in the Help for Yandex Direct).

NegativeKeywordSharedSetIds ArrayOfLong, nillable

IDs of sets of negative keywords. Maximum of 3 items in the array.

To get the IDs of sets, use the NegativeKeywordSharedSets.get method.

UnifiedCampaignSetting structure
Option UnifiedCampaignSettingsEnum

Setting name:

Value YesNoEnum Setting value. Yes
PriorityGoalsUpdateSetting structure
Items array of PriorityGoalsUpdateItem A new set of priority goals and conversion values to replace the existing set. Yes
PriorityGoalsUpdateItem structure
GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal to prioritize when automatically adjusting bids. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

A value of 12 corresponds to the goal “Engaged sessions”.

Value long The conversion value is a monetary estimation of the advertiser's profit when when the goal is completed, in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000. The higher the conversion value, the higher the priority to achieve conversions for this goal. Yes
Operation OperationEnum

Type of action with the set of priority goals. Currently, only the SET value is available.

IsMetrikaSourceOfValue YesNoEnum Priority goal value source: Yandex Metrica goal. The YES value is only used for strategies with an ad revenue ratio. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to AVERAGE_CRR or PAY_FOR_CONVERSION_CRR
UnifiedCampaignPackageBiddingStrategyUpdate structure
StrategyId long Portfolio strategy ID. No
StrategyFromCampaignId long ID of the campaign the portfolio strategy was created from. No
Platforms UnifiedCampaignPlatforms

Ad placement platform.

UnifiedCampaignPlatforms structure
SearchResult YesNoEnum Search results. Yes
ProductGallery YesNoEnum Product gallery. Yes
Network YesNoEnum Yandex Advertising Network. Yes
UnifiedCampaignStrategy structure
Search UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategy Display strategy in search results. No
Network UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategy Display strategy in ad networks. No
UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategy structure
BiddingStrategyType UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in search results:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.

PlacementTypes UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategyPlacementTypes

Placements in search results.

WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicks Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumConversionRate StrategyMaximumConversionRate Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy without specifying the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CONVERSION_RATE
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpc Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpa StrategyAverageCpa Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy and keep the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPA
AverageCrr StrategyAverageCrr Strategy parameters Optimize cost revenue ratio, maintain average cost revenue ratio When the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to AVERAGE_CRR
PayForConversionCrr StrategyPayForConversionCrr Parameters of the Optimize cost revenue ratio strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION_CRR
PayForConversion StrategyPayForConversion Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION
UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategy structure
BiddingStrategyType UnifiedCampaignNetworkStrategyTypeEnum

The type of display strategy in ad networks:

For information about the compatibility of strategies in search results and ad networks, see the section Display strategies.

WbMaximumClicks StrategyMaximumClicks Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by weekly budget. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CLICKS
WbMaximumConversionRate StrategyMaximumConversionRate Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy without specifying the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value WB_MAXIMUM_CONVERSION_RATE
AverageCpc StrategyAverageCpc Parameters of the Optimize clicks strategy. Limit by average CPC. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPC
AverageCpa StrategyAverageCpa Parameters of the Optimize conversions strategy and keep the average CPA. When the BiddingStrategyType parameter has the value AVERAGE_CPA
AverageCrr StrategyAverageCrr Strategy parameters Optimize cost revenue ratio, maintain average cost revenue ratio When the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to AVERAGE_CRR
PayForConversionCrr StrategyPayForConversionCrr Parameters of the Optimize cost revenue ratio strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION_CRR
PayForConversion StrategyPayForConversion Parameters of the Optimizing conversions strategy. Pay per conversion. If the BiddingStrategyType parameter is set to PAY_FOR_CONVERSION
UnifiedCampaignSearchStrategyPlacementTypes structure
SearchResults YesNoEnum

Search results.

ProductGallery YesNoEnum

Product gallery.

StrategyMaximumClicks structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long, nillable

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyMaximumConversionRate structure
WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

BidCeiling long, nillable

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

The value 13 indicates priority goals. Allowed if the PriorityGoals array specifies at least one goal that is different from engaged sessions.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

StrategyAverageCpc structure
AverageCpc long

The average CPC in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

WeeklySpendLimit long, nillable

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

StrategyAverageCpa structure
AverageCpa long

The average cost of a conversion (CPA) in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum value for the average cost is listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long, nillable

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

BidCeiling long, nillable

The maximum bid in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum bid for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Note. We don't recommend setting the maximum bid, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the strategy.
ExplorationBudget ExplorationBudget

Minimum budget. Read more in Yandex Direct Help.

If the field is not set, the minimum budget won't change.

To set the default value, pass ExplorationBudget=NULL.

To set a custom minimum budget, use the MinimumExplorationBudget parameter and set IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom="YES".

If IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom is NO, the operation raises an error.

StrategyAverageCrr structure
Crr int

Average cost revenue ratio.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

ExplorationBudget ExplorationBudget

Minimum budget. Read more in Yandex Direct Help.

If the field is not set, the minimum budget won't change.

To set the default value, pass ExplorationBudget=NULL.

To set a custom minimum budget, use the MinimumExplorationBudget parameter and set IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom="YES".

If IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom is NO, the operation raises an error.

StrategyPayForConversionCrr structure
Crr int

Average cost revenue ratio.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency is listed in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

StrategyPayForConversion structure
Cpa long

Cost of a conversion (CPA) in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum and maximum CPA values are listed by currency in the currency reference. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

GoalId long

ID of a Yandex Metrica goal. For more information about goals, see Goals and conversions in the Help for Yandex Metrica.

To get the list of goals, use the GetStatGoals method in version 4 or Live 4 of the API.

WeeklySpendLimit long, nillable

The weekly budget in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

The minimum weekly budget for each currency must be at least the value of the Cpaparameter, multiplied by 20. To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CustomPeriodBudget CustomPeriodBudget

Budget for a custom period. For more information, see Yandex Direct Help.

When creating a campaign, you can't specify both this parameter and WeeklySpendLimit.

BudgetType BudgetTypeEnum

Type of budget:

  • WEEKLY_BUDGET — Weekly budget.
  • CUSTOM_PERIOD_BUDGET — Budget for a custom period.

If the budget type is changed while editing the campaign, the original type must be passed with a NULL value.

For example, if you change the budget type from weekly to custom period, make sure to pass NULL in the "WeeklySpendLimit" field.

ExplorationBudget structure
MinimumExplorationBudget long

Minimum budget value.

Acceptable value: between 0 and the weekly budget (if set).

Yes, if the request includes the ExplorationBudget structure.
IsMinimumExplorationBudgetCustom YesNoEnum A flag indicating a custom minimum budget. Yes, if the request includes the ExplorationBudget structure.
CustomPeriodBudget structure
SpendLimit long

Budget size for a custom period.

StartDate string

Start of the budget period.

EndDate string End of the budget period. Yes
AutoContinue YesNoEnum Flag to autocontinue the budget period. Yes