
Returns parameters of dynamic text ad targets.

  1. Restrictions
  2. Request
  3. Response

You can get bids and priorities regardless of whether a manual or automatic strategy is selected in the campaign.

Attention. All returned monetary values are integers — the result of multiplying the bid by 1,000,000.


The method returns a maximum of 10,000 objects.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "get",
  "params": {  /* params */
    "Page": {  /* LimitOffset */
      "Limit": (long),
      "Offset": (long)
    "SelectionCriteria": {  /* DynamicFeedAdTargetsSelectionCriteria */
      "Ids": [(long), ... ],
      "AdGroupIds": [(long), ... ],
      "CampaignIds": [(long), ... ],
      "States": [( "ON" | "OFF" | "SUSPENDED" | "DELETED" ), ... ]
    }, /* required */
    "FieldNames": [( "AdGroupId" | "Bid" | "CampaignId" | "Conditions" | "ConditionType" | "ContextBid" | "Id" | "Name" | "State" ), ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / GetRequest (for SOAP)
SelectionCriteria DynamicFeedAdTargetSelectionCriteria

Criteria for selecting dynamic text ad targets.

FieldNames array of DynamicFeedAdTargetFieldEnum

The names of parameters to get.

Page LimitOffset

Structure that defines the page for paginated selection of data.

DynamicFeedAdTargetSelectionCriteria structure
Ids array of long Selects dynamic text ad targets with the specified IDs. From 1 to 10,000 items in the array. At least one of the parameters Ids, AdGroupIds, or CampaignIds (or all may be present)
AdGroupIds array of long Selects dynamic text ad targets in the specified groups. From 1 to 1000 items in the array.
CampaignIds array of long Selects dynamic text ad targets in the specified campaigns. From 1 to 2 items in the array.
States array of DynamicFeedAdTargetStateSelectionEnum

Selects dynamic text ad targets with the specified states. For a description of the states, see the section State of a dynamic text ad target.

Note. The get method returns a dynamic text ad target in the DELETED state only if the States parameter is set to DELETED or the ID of this target is specified in the Ids parameter. If both the Ids and States parameters are omitted, the method doesn't return dynamic text ad targets in the DELETED state.
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / GetRequest (for SOAP)
SelectionCriteria DynamicFeedAdTargetSelectionCriteria

Criteria for selecting dynamic text ad targets.

FieldNames array of DynamicFeedAdTargetFieldEnum

The names of parameters to get.

Page LimitOffset

Structure that defines the page for paginated selection of data.

DynamicFeedAdTargetSelectionCriteria structure
Ids array of long Selects dynamic text ad targets with the specified IDs. From 1 to 10,000 items in the array. At least one of the parameters Ids, AdGroupIds, or CampaignIds (or all may be present)
AdGroupIds array of long Selects dynamic text ad targets in the specified groups. From 1 to 1000 items in the array.
CampaignIds array of long Selects dynamic text ad targets in the specified campaigns. From 1 to 2 items in the array.
States array of DynamicFeedAdTargetStateSelectionEnum

Selects dynamic text ad targets with the specified states. For a description of the states, see the section State of a dynamic text ad target.

Note. The get method returns a dynamic text ad target in the DELETED state only if the States parameter is set to DELETED or the ID of this target is specified in the Ids parameter. If both the Ids and States parameters are omitted, the method doesn't return dynamic text ad targets in the DELETED state.


Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": {  /* result */
    "DynamicFeedAdTargets": [{  /* DynamicFeedAdTargetsGetItem */
      "Id": (long),
      "AdGroupId": (long),
      "CampaignId": (long),
      "Name": (string),
      "Bid": (long),
      "ContextBid": (long),
      "State": ( "ON" | "OFF" | "SUSPENDED" | "DELETED" | "UNKNOWN" ),
      "Conditions" : { /* nillable */
        "Items" : [{ /* required */
          "Operand" : (string) /* required */,
          "Operator" : ( "CONTAINS_ANY" | "EQUALS_ANY" | "EXISTS" | "GREATER_THAN" | "IN_RANGE" | "LESS_THAN" | "NOT_CONTAINS_ALL" ) /* required */,
          "Arguments" : [ (string) ] /* required */
        }, ... ],
      "ConditionType": ( "ITEMS_ALL" | "ITEMS_SUBSET" ),
      "AvailableItemsOnly" : ("YES"|"NO")
    }, ... ]
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / GetResponse (for SOAP)
DynamicFeedAdTargets array of DynamicFeedAdTargetsGetItem Dynamic text ad targets
LimitedBy long Sequential number of the last object returned. It is included if there was a limit on the number of objects in the response. See the section Paginated data selection.
DynamicFeedAdTargetsGetItem structure
Id long ID of a dynamic text ad target.
AdGroupId long ID of the ad group that the dynamic text ad target belongs to.
CampaignId long ID of the campaign that the dynamic text ad target belongs to.
Name string Name of the dynamic text ad target.
Bid long Bid in search results.
ContextBid long This parameter is reserved for future use.
State StateEnum State of the dynamic text ad target. For a description of the states, see the section State of a dynamic text ad target.
Conditions array of DynamicFeedAdTargetsCondition

Rules for selecting product offers. A product offer is selected for display if it meets all the selection rules at the same time.

If this parameter is omitted, the filter selects all product offers from the feed (ITEMS_ALL selection type).
Restriction. If the type of feed in an ad group is FLIGHTS or RETAIL, selection rules are not used.
ConditionType DynamicFeedAdTargetsTypeEnum

Type of dynamic text ad target. For a description of the types, see Type of product offer selection.

AvailableItemsOnly YesNoEnum Select only products in stock. The default value is NO.

It can only be used in feeds with the Yandex Market type and will be ignored in other feeds.

DynamicFeedAdTargetsCondition structure
Operand DynamicFeedAdTargetsCondition OperandEnum

Feed parameter.

For a description of fields for each type of feed, see Configuring filters in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Operator StringCondition OperatorEnum

Comparison operator. For information on the compatibility of feed fields and operators, as well as restrictions on values, see Selection rule.

Arguments string

An array of strings to compare the operand to.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / GetResponse (for SOAP)
DynamicFeedAdTargets array of DynamicFeedAdTargetsGetItem Dynamic text ad targets
LimitedBy long Sequential number of the last object returned. It is included if there was a limit on the number of objects in the response. See the section Paginated data selection.
DynamicFeedAdTargetsGetItem structure
Id long ID of a dynamic text ad target.
AdGroupId long ID of the ad group that the dynamic text ad target belongs to.
CampaignId long ID of the campaign that the dynamic text ad target belongs to.
Name string Name of the dynamic text ad target.
Bid long Bid in search results.
ContextBid long This parameter is reserved for future use.
State StateEnum State of the dynamic text ad target. For a description of the states, see the section State of a dynamic text ad target.
Conditions array of DynamicFeedAdTargetsCondition

Rules for selecting product offers. A product offer is selected for display if it meets all the selection rules at the same time.

If this parameter is omitted, the filter selects all product offers from the feed (ITEMS_ALL selection type).
Restriction. If the type of feed in an ad group is FLIGHTS or RETAIL, selection rules are not used.
ConditionType DynamicFeedAdTargetsTypeEnum

Type of dynamic text ad target. For a description of the types, see Type of product offer selection.

AvailableItemsOnly YesNoEnum Select only products in stock. The default value is NO.

It can only be used in feeds with the Yandex Market type and will be ignored in other feeds.

DynamicFeedAdTargetsCondition structure
Operand DynamicFeedAdTargetsCondition OperandEnum

Feed parameter.

For a description of fields for each type of feed, see Configuring filters in the Help for Yandex Direct.

Operator StringCondition OperatorEnum

Comparison operator. For information on the compatibility of feed fields and operators, as well as restrictions on values, see Selection rule.

Arguments string

An array of strings to compare the operand to.