OpenRTB host request

The invitation to participate in an auction is sent using the POST method in JSON format (Content-Type: application/json).

The request body contains the Bid Request object. Its parameters describe the site, endpoint device, and consumer. These characteristics help the DSP select an ad and a bid.

  "id": "(string)",
  "user": {
    "buyeruid": "(string)",
    "id" : "(string)",
    "ext": {
      "consent": "(string)"
  "cur": [
    "(array of strings)"
  "bcat": [
    "(array of strings)"
  "imp": [
      "secure": "(int)",
      "bidfloor": "(float)",
      "bidfloorcur": "(string)",
      "banner": {
        "format": [
            "h": "(int)",
            "w": "(int)"
        "h": "(int)",
        "w": "(int)"
      "id": "(string)",
      "ext": {
        "unmoderated": "(int)"
      "tagid": "(string)",
      "instl": "(int)"
  "tmax": "(int)",
  "site": {
    "page": "(string)",
    "domain": "(string)",
    "publisher": {
      "id": "(string)"
    "id": "(string)",
    "content": {
      "language": "(string)"
  "device": {
    "lmt": "(int)",
    "geo": {
      "country": "(string)"
    "os": "(string)",
    "ip": "(string)",
    "ipv6": "(string)",
    "ua": "(string)",
    "devicetype": "(int)",
    "mccmnc": "(string)",
    "ifa": "(string)",
    "dnt": "(int)",
    "ext": {
      "oaid": "(string)",
      "gaid": "(string)",
      "idfa": "(string)"
  "regs": {
    "coppa": "(int)",
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": "(int)",
      "nroa": {
        "version": "(string)",
        "mandatory": "(bool)"
  "source": {
    "fd": "(int)",
    "sourcetype": "(int)",
    "tid": "(string)",
    "ext": {
      "schain": {
        "complete": "(int)",
        "nodes": [
            "asi": "(string)",
            "sid": "(string)",
            "hp": "(int)",
            "rid": "(string)"
        "ver": "(string)"
  "at": "(int)",
  "test": "(int)",
  "ext": {
    "notifications": {
      "lurl": "(int)",
      "nurl": "(int)"
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Request parameters
Parameter Description Required
Bid Request object

ID of the auction, assigned by the RTB host. The DSP returns this ID in the response.

user Information about the ad buyer in the User object. yes
ext The Ext object with additional parameters. no
List of currencies for bids. The following parameters are passed:
  • RUB — Russian ruble
  • USD — United States dollar.
  • EUR — Euro.
  • CHF — Swiss franc.
  • TRY — Turkish lira.
  • UAH — Ukrainian hryvnia.
  • KZT — Kazakhstani tenge.
bcat Categories of blocked advertisers according to the IAB classification. no

Array of Imp objects that contain the parameters for rendering the banner. Each object corresponds to a single ad unit on the HTML page. In the current implementation, only one object is passed.


The maximum response time in milliseconds during which bids need to be placed, taking into account the delay arising from the internet connection.

site Information about the web site in the Site object. yes
device Information about the endpoint in the Device object. yes
regs Industry, legal, or government regulations that apply to all impressions in the request, in the Regs object. no
Auction type. Allowed values:
  • 1 — First price auction.
  • 2 — Second price auction.
Test mode indicator. Allowed values:
  • 0 — Sending real traffic.
  • 1 — Sending test traffic.
source Information about the request source in the Source object. yes
Ext object
notifications The Ext.Notifications object with the URLs of notifications about winning or losing the bid. no
Ext.Notifications object
The probability of calling a loss notification link. Possible statuses:
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
  • 2 — Maybe.
The probability of calling a win notification link. Possible statuses:
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
  • 2 — Maybe.
Imp object
Type of connection. Acceptable values:
  • 0 — Unsecured connection (HTTP).
  • 1 — Secured connection (HTTPS).

The minimum cost per impression for the current auction, specified in CPM format.

bidfloorcur Currency letter code in ISO-4217 format. May differ from the offer currency returned by the bidder if permitted by the exchange. yes
banner The Imp.Banner object with the default dimensions of the ad unit. yes
id ID of the ad unit on the HTML page. yes
ext The Imp.Ext object with additional parameters. yes
tagid ID of the ad placement. yes
Ad type. Acceptable values:
  • 0 — Non-interstitial ads.
  • 1 — Interstitial ads.
Imp.Banner object
format The Imp.Banner.Format object with acceptable ad unit dimensions. yes
h Height of the block in pixels. yes
w Width of the block in pixels. yes
Imp.Banner.Format object
h Height of the block in pixels. yes
w Width of the block in pixels. yes
Imp.Ext object
Auction moderation status. Allowed values:
  • 0 — Unmoderated auction.
  • 1 — Moderated auction.
Site object
page URL of the page to serve the ad on. no
domain Site domain. no
publisher Information about the placement in the Site.Publisher object. yes
id The site ID. yes
content The Site.Content object with information about the site content. no
Site.Publisher object
id The placement ID. yes
Site.Content object
language Site language. no
Device object
Ad tracking restriction set by the manufacturer of the endpoint device.
  • 0 — Tracking is not limited.
  • 1 — Tracking is limited.
geo The Device.Geo object with a description of the location of the endpoint device. yes
os Operating system. yes
ip The IP address of the endpoint device. yes
ipv6 The IPv6 address of the endpoint device. yes
ua The value of the HTTP User-Agent header — The name of the application on the endpoint device. yes
The type of device.
  • 1 — Phone.
  • 3 — Smartphone.
  • 4 — Tablet.
  • 5 — Desktop.
mccmnc The unique mobile operator ID that is a combination of MCC and MNC codes separated by a hyphen. no
ifa The advertising ID of the endpoint device. yes
Ad tracking restriction set by the endpoint device user.
  • 0 — Tracking is not limited.
  • 1 — Tracking is limited.
language The language selected in the browser. The format used is ISO-639-1-alpha-2. no
ext The Device.Ext object with additional parameters. no
Device.Geo object

The ISO-3166-1 Alpha-3 country geocode.

Device.Ext object
oaid Device ID. no
gaid The ID for Android devices. no
idfa The ID for iOS devices. no
User object
id Exchange ID of the user. no
buyeruid Buyer ID. no
ext The User.Ext object with additional parameters. no
User.Ext object
Regs object
Flag indicating whether the request must comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
ext The Regs.Ext object with additional parameters. no
Regs.Ext object
Flag indicating whether the request must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
nroa The parent object for the extension. no
Ext.nroa object
version Version number. For the current version, see the app. no
mandatory When the value is true, notifies that DSP responses without complete and correct information about the contracts will not be admitted to the auction. no
Source object
Final decision about serving the ad.
  • 0 — Exchange.
  • 1 — Original source.
Request source.
  • 1 — The request is received from a source other than Header bidding auction.
  • 2 — The request comes from the auction's client side.
  • 3 — The request comes from the server side.
tid Impression ID. yes
ext The Source.Ext object with additional parameters. no
Source.Ext object
schain The Source.Ext.Schain object with all participants in the inventory sales chain specified. no
Source.Ext.Schain object
complete The flag indicates whether the chain contains all nodes up to the original inventory source. Allowed values:
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
nodes Array of Source.Ext.Schain.Nodes objects with the order of participants in the chain. yes
ver supply chain specification version. Currently only version 1.0 exists. yes
Source.Ext.Schain.Nodes object
asi The canonical domain of the organization, must match the domain from ads.txt if such a domain exists. yes
sid The same seller_id for the publisher as in the sellers.json file. yes
hp Specifies whether this node should be included in the chain of inventory payment participants. If the value is 1, then the organization specified in the asi field pays the seller specified in the sid field. The seller is the organization that is responsible for paying the previous node in the chain. For version 1.0, the value should always be 1. yes
rid OpenRTB RequestId sent by the seller. no
name The official name of the organization, the field should not be present in the object if the organization is specified in sellers.json. no
domain The official domain of the organization, the field should not be present in the object if the organization is specified in sellers.json. no
Request parameters
Parameter Description Required
Bid Request object

ID of the auction, assigned by the RTB host. The DSP returns this ID in the response.

user Information about the ad buyer in the User object. yes
ext The Ext object with additional parameters. no
List of currencies for bids. The following parameters are passed:
  • RUB — Russian ruble
  • USD — United States dollar.
  • EUR — Euro.
  • CHF — Swiss franc.
  • TRY — Turkish lira.
  • UAH — Ukrainian hryvnia.
  • KZT — Kazakhstani tenge.
bcat Categories of blocked advertisers according to the IAB classification. no

Array of Imp objects that contain the parameters for rendering the banner. Each object corresponds to a single ad unit on the HTML page. In the current implementation, only one object is passed.


The maximum response time in milliseconds during which bids need to be placed, taking into account the delay arising from the internet connection.

site Information about the web site in the Site object. yes
device Information about the endpoint in the Device object. yes
regs Industry, legal, or government regulations that apply to all impressions in the request, in the Regs object. no
Auction type. Allowed values:
  • 1 — First price auction.
  • 2 — Second price auction.
Test mode indicator. Allowed values:
  • 0 — Sending real traffic.
  • 1 — Sending test traffic.
source Information about the request source in the Source object. yes
Ext object
notifications The Ext.Notifications object with the URLs of notifications about winning or losing the bid. no
Ext.Notifications object
The probability of calling a loss notification link. Possible statuses:
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
  • 2 — Maybe.
The probability of calling a win notification link. Possible statuses:
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
  • 2 — Maybe.
Imp object
Type of connection. Acceptable values:
  • 0 — Unsecured connection (HTTP).
  • 1 — Secured connection (HTTPS).

The minimum cost per impression for the current auction, specified in CPM format.

bidfloorcur Currency letter code in ISO-4217 format. May differ from the offer currency returned by the bidder if permitted by the exchange. yes
banner The Imp.Banner object with the default dimensions of the ad unit. yes
id ID of the ad unit on the HTML page. yes
ext The Imp.Ext object with additional parameters. yes
tagid ID of the ad placement. yes
Ad type. Acceptable values:
  • 0 — Non-interstitial ads.
  • 1 — Interstitial ads.
Imp.Banner object
format The Imp.Banner.Format object with acceptable ad unit dimensions. yes
h Height of the block in pixels. yes
w Width of the block in pixels. yes
Imp.Banner.Format object
h Height of the block in pixels. yes
w Width of the block in pixels. yes
Imp.Ext object
Auction moderation status. Allowed values:
  • 0 — Unmoderated auction.
  • 1 — Moderated auction.
Site object
page URL of the page to serve the ad on. no
domain Site domain. no
publisher Information about the placement in the Site.Publisher object. yes
id The site ID. yes
content The Site.Content object with information about the site content. no
Site.Publisher object
id The placement ID. yes
Site.Content object
language Site language. no
Device object
Ad tracking restriction set by the manufacturer of the endpoint device.
  • 0 — Tracking is not limited.
  • 1 — Tracking is limited.
geo The Device.Geo object with a description of the location of the endpoint device. yes
os Operating system. yes
ip The IP address of the endpoint device. yes
ipv6 The IPv6 address of the endpoint device. yes
ua The value of the HTTP User-Agent header — The name of the application on the endpoint device. yes
The type of device.
  • 1 — Phone.
  • 3 — Smartphone.
  • 4 — Tablet.
  • 5 — Desktop.
mccmnc The unique mobile operator ID that is a combination of MCC and MNC codes separated by a hyphen. no
ifa The advertising ID of the endpoint device. yes
Ad tracking restriction set by the endpoint device user.
  • 0 — Tracking is not limited.
  • 1 — Tracking is limited.
language The language selected in the browser. The format used is ISO-639-1-alpha-2. no
ext The Device.Ext object with additional parameters. no
Device.Geo object

The ISO-3166-1 Alpha-3 country geocode.

Device.Ext object
oaid Device ID. no
gaid The ID for Android devices. no
idfa The ID for iOS devices. no
User object
id Exchange ID of the user. no
buyeruid Buyer ID. no
ext The User.Ext object with additional parameters. no
User.Ext object
Regs object
Flag indicating whether the request must comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
ext The Regs.Ext object with additional parameters. no
Regs.Ext object
Flag indicating whether the request must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
nroa The parent object for the extension. no
Ext.nroa object
version Version number. For the current version, see the app. no
mandatory When the value is true, notifies that DSP responses without complete and correct information about the contracts will not be admitted to the auction. no
Source object
Final decision about serving the ad.
  • 0 — Exchange.
  • 1 — Original source.
Request source.
  • 1 — The request is received from a source other than Header bidding auction.
  • 2 — The request comes from the auction's client side.
  • 3 — The request comes from the server side.
tid Impression ID. yes
ext The Source.Ext object with additional parameters. no
Source.Ext object
schain The Source.Ext.Schain object with all participants in the inventory sales chain specified. no
Source.Ext.Schain object
complete The flag indicates whether the chain contains all nodes up to the original inventory source. Allowed values:
  • 0 — No.
  • 1 — Yes.
nodes Array of Source.Ext.Schain.Nodes objects with the order of participants in the chain. yes
ver supply chain specification version. Currently only version 1.0 exists. yes
Source.Ext.Schain.Nodes object
asi The canonical domain of the organization, must match the domain from ads.txt if such a domain exists. yes
sid The same seller_id for the publisher as in the sellers.json file. yes
hp Specifies whether this node should be included in the chain of inventory payment participants. If the value is 1, then the organization specified in the asi field pays the seller specified in the sid field. The seller is the organization that is responsible for paying the previous node in the chain. For version 1.0, the value should always be 1. yes
rid OpenRTB RequestId sent by the seller. no
name The official name of the organization, the field should not be present in the object if the organization is specified in sellers.json. no
domain The official domain of the organization, the field should not be present in the object if the organization is specified in sellers.json. no

Sample request

  "id": "5881455945172700775",
  "user": {
    "buyeruid": "8fahfsfd9a",
    "id": "108799773262946888",
    "ext": {
      "consent": "1"
  "source": {
    "fd": 0,
    "sourcetype": 3,
    "tid": "",
    "ext": {
      "schain": {
        "complete": 1,
        "nodes": [
            "asi": "",
            "sid": "12345",
            "hp": 1,
            "rid": "bidrequest123"
        "ver": "1.0"
  "cur": [
  "bcat": [
  "imp": [
      "secure": 1,
      "bidfloor": 0.01,
      "bidfloorcur": "USD",
      "banner": {
        "format": [
            "h": 0,
            "w": 0
            "h": 250,
            "w": 300
            "h": 600,
            "w": 300
            "h": 400,
            "w": 240
        "h": 600,
        "w": 300
      "id": "55",
      "ext": {
        "unmoderated": 0
      "tagid": "215876-55",
      "instl": 0
  "tmax": 200,
  "site": {
    "page": "",
    "domain": "",
    "publisher": {
      "id": "944028"
    "id": "215876",
    "content": {
      "language": "ru"
  "device": {
    "lmt": 0,
    "geo": {
      "country": "RUS"
    "os": "Windows",
    "ip": "",
    "ipv6": "2a02:6b8:b081:8124::1:29",
    "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 YaBrowser/ Yowser/2.5 Safari/537.36",
    "devicetype": 1,
    "mccmnc": "",
    "ifa": "",
    "dnt": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gaid": "",
      "idfa": "1DB9B91B-7520-4807-8D87-BE362369646E",
      "oaid": ""
  "regs": {
    "coppa": 0,
    "ext": {
      "gdpr": 0,
      "nroa": {
        "version": "2",
        "mandatory": true
  "at": 1,
  "ext": {
    "notifications": {
      "lurl": 1,
      "nurl": 1
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