
Deletes campaigns.

  1. Restrictions
  2. Request
  3. Response


Maximum of 1000 campaigns per method call.

Campaigns can't be deleted in the following cases:

  • The campaign received funds or has invoices for payment.
  • The campaign had impressions and has accumulated statistics.
  • The campaign is currently being activated or paused.
  • The campaign has the CONVERTED status.

For these types of campaigns, archiving is available using the archive method.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "delete",
  "params": { /* params */
    "SelectionCriteria": {  /* IdsCriteria */
      "Ids": [(long), ... ] /* required */ 
    } /* required */
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / DeleteRequest structure (for SOAP)
SelectionCriteria IdsCriteria Criteria for selecting campaigns to delete. Yes
IdsCriteria structure
Ids array of long IDs of campaigns to delete (maximum of 1000). Yes
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / DeleteRequest structure (for SOAP)
SelectionCriteria IdsCriteria Criteria for selecting campaigns to delete. Yes
IdsCriteria structure
Ids array of long IDs of campaigns to delete (maximum of 1000). Yes


Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": {  /* result */
    "DeleteResults": [{  /* ActionResult */
      "Id": (long),
      "Warnings": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
       }, ...
      "Errors": [{  /* ExceptionNotification */
        "Code": (int), /* required */
        "Message": (string), /* required */
        "Details": (string)
       }, ...
    }, ... ] /* required */
Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / DeleteResponse structure (for SOAP)
DeleteResults array of ActionResult Results of deleting campaigns.
ActionResult structure
Id long ID of the deleted campaign. Returned if there are no errors, see Operations on object arrays.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.

Parameter Type Description
Result structure (for JSON) / DeleteResponse structure (for SOAP)
DeleteResults array of ActionResult Results of deleting campaigns.
ActionResult structure
Id long ID of the deleted campaign. Returned if there are no errors, see Operations on object arrays.
Warnings array of ExceptionNotification

Warnings that occurred during the operation.

Errors array of ExceptionNotification

Errors that occurred during the operation.