
For an advertiser's representative, returns advertiser parameters and user settings; for an agency's representative, returns agency parameters and user settings.

  1. Request
  2. Response
Request on behalf of an advertiser's representative

Any representative of an advertiser can get the advertiser's parameters and their own personal settings.

The advertiser's chief representative can also get the settings of another representative. To do this, pass the representative's username in the Client-Login request header.

Request on behalf of an agency's representative

Any agency representative can also get the advertiser parameters for a client of the agency and the user settings for the advertiser's representative. To do this, pass the username of the advertiser's representative in the Client-Login request header.

Any agency representative can also get the agency parameters and their own personal settings.

The agency's chief representative can also get the settings of another agency representative. To do this, pass the representative's username in the Client-Login request header.


Request structure in JSON format:

  "method": "get",
  "params": { /* params */
    "FieldNames": [( "AccountQuality" | "Archived" | "ClientId" | "ClientInfo" | "CountryId" | "CreatedAt" | "Currency" | "Grants" | "Bonuses" | "Login" | "Notification" | "OverdraftSumAvailable" | "Phone" | "Representatives" | "Restrictions" | "Settings" | "Type" | "VatRate" | "ForbiddenPlatform" | "AvailableCampaignTypes" ), ... ] /* required */,
    "TinInfoFieldNames" : [ ( "TinType" | "Tin" ), ... ],
    "OrganizationFieldNames": [( "Name" | "EpayNumber" | "RegNumber" | "OksmNumber" | "OkvedCode" ), ... ],
    "ContractFieldNames": [( "Number" | "Date" | "Price" | "Type" | "ActionType" | "SubjectType" ), ... ],
    "ContragentFieldNames": [( "Name" | "Phone" | "EpayNumber" | "RegNumber" | "OksmNumber" ), ... ],
    "ContragentTinInfoFieldNames": [( "TinType" | "Tin" ), ... ]
Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / GetRequest (for SOAP)
FieldNames array of ClientFieldEnum

The names of parameters to get.

Restriction. The response does not return the agency parameters AccountQuality, Currency, Grants, OverdraftSumAvailable, Restrictions, Settings.
TinInfoFieldNames array of TinInfoFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required tax details of the end-advertiser.

OrganizationFieldNames array of OrganizationFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required details about the organization of the end advertiser.

ContractFieldNames array of ContractFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required details about the client counterparty contract with the end-advertiser.

ContragentFieldNames array of ContragentFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required details about the counterparty.

ContragentTinInfoFieldNames array of TinInfoFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required tax details of the counterparty.

Parameter Type Description Required
Params structure (for JSON) / GetRequest (for SOAP)
FieldNames array of ClientFieldEnum

The names of parameters to get.

Restriction. The response does not return the agency parameters AccountQuality, Currency, Grants, OverdraftSumAvailable, Restrictions, Settings.
TinInfoFieldNames array of TinInfoFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required tax details of the end-advertiser.

OrganizationFieldNames array of OrganizationFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required details about the organization of the end advertiser.

ContractFieldNames array of ContractFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required details about the client counterparty contract with the end-advertiser.

ContragentFieldNames array of ContragentFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required details about the counterparty.

ContragentTinInfoFieldNames array of TinInfoFieldEnum

Names of parameters with the required tax details of the counterparty.




The Login, ClientInfo, CreatedAt, Notification, and Phone parameters belong to the representative, not to the advertiser or agency:

  • The user the request is made on behalf of, if the HTTP Client-Login header is not included in the request.

  • The user whose username is specified in the HTTP Client-Login header, if the request has the HTTP Client-Login header.

The other parameters are related to the advertiser or the agency, regardless of who the representative is.

Response structure in JSON format:

  "result": { /* result */
    "Clients": [{  /* ClientGetItem */
      "AccountQuality": (decimal), /* nillable */
      "Archived": ( "YES" | "NO" ),
      "ClientId": (long),
      "ClientInfo": (string),
      "CountryId": (int),
      "CreatedAt": (string),
      "Currency": ( "RUB" | "BYN" | "CHF" | "EUR" | "KZT" | "TRY" | "UAH" | "USD" ),
      "Grants": [{  /* GrantGetItem */
        "Privilege": ( "EDIT_CAMPAIGNS" | "IMPORT_XLS" | "TRANSFER_MONEY" ), /* required */
        "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ), /* required */
        "Agency": (string)
      }, ... ],
      "Bonuses" : {  /* BonusesGet */
        "AwaitingBonus" : (long) /* required */,
        "AwaitingBonusWithoutNds" : (long) /* required */
      "Login": (string),
      "Notification": {  /* NotificationGet */
        "Lang": ( "RU" | "UK" | "EN" | "TR" ), /* required */
        "SmsPhoneNumber": (string), /* required */
        "Email": (string), /* required */
        "EmailSubscriptions": [{  /* EmailSubscriptionItem */
          "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        }, ... ]
      "OverdraftSumAvailable": (long),
      "Phone": (string),
      "Representatives": [{  /* Representative */
        "Login": (string), /* required */
        "Email": (string), /* required */
        "Role": ( "CHIEF" | "DELEGATE" | "LIMITED" | "READONLY" | "UNKNOWN" ) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "Restrictions": [{  /* ClientRestrictionItem */
        "Value": (int) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "Settings": [{  /* ClientSettingGetItem */
        "Value": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
      }, ... ],
      "Type": (string),
      "VatRate": (decimal) /* nillable */,
      "ForbiddenPlatform": ("SEARCH" | "NETWORK" | "NONE"),
      "TinInfo" : { /* TinInfoGet */
        "Tin" : (string) /* nillable */
      "ErirAttributes": { /* ErirAttributesGet */
        "Organization": { /* OrganizationGet */
          "Name": (string), /* nillable */
          "EpayNumber": (string), /* nillable */
          "RegNumber": (string), /* nillable */
          "OksmNumber": (string), /* nillable */
          "OkvedCode": (string) /* nillable */
        "Contract": { /* ContractGet */
          "Number": (string), /* nillable */
          "Date": (string), /* nillable */
          "Type": ( "CONTRACT" | "INTERMEDIARY_CONTRACT" | "ADDITIONAL_AGREEMENT" ), /* nillable */
          "ActionType": ( "COMMERCIAL" | "DISTRIBUTION" | "CONCLUDE" | "OTHER" ), /* nillable */
          "SubjectType": ( "REPRESENTATION" | "MEDIATION" | "DISTRIBUTION" | "ORG_DISTRIBUTION" | "OTHER" ), /* nillable */
          "Price": { /* PriceGet */
            "Amount": (decimal), /* required */
            "IncludingVat": ( "YES" | "NO" ) /* required */
        "Contragent": { /* ContragentGet */
          "Name": (string), /* nillable */
          "Phone": (string), /* nillable */
          "EpayNumber": (string), /* nillable */
          "RegNumber": (string), /* nillable */
          "OksmNumber": (string), /* nillable */
          "TinInfo": { /* TinInfoGet */
            "Tin": (string) /* nillable */
    }, ... ]
Parameter Type For an advertiser For an agency
Result structure (for JSON) / GetResponse (for SOAP)
Clients array of ClientGetItem Advertiser parameters and user settings for the advertiser's representative. Agency parameters and user settings for the agency's representative.
ClientGetItem structure
AccountQuality decimal, nillable Indicates the quality of the account (see the section Account quality index in the Help for Yandex.Direct).
Archived YesNoEnum Indicates that the advertiser is archived (inactive). Indicates that the agency is archived (inactive).
ClientId long Advertiser ID. Agency ID.
ClientInfo string

First and last name of the Yandex Direct user (no more than 255 characters).

First and last name of the Yandex Direct user (no more than 255 characters).
CountryId int ID of the advertiser's country from the reference list of regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.

ID of the agency's country from the reference list of regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CreatedAt string

Date the user was registered in Yandex Direct, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Date the user was registered in Yandex Direct, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Currency CurrencyEnum

The advertiser's currency.

To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Grants array of GrantGetItem The advertiser's permissions for campaign management.
Bonuses BonusesGet

The pending bonus to be credited. This parameter can be used only with the RUB currency.

The pending bonus to be credited. This parameter can be used only with the RUB currency.

Login string Username of the Yandex Direct user. Username of the Yandex Direct user.
Notification NotificationGet

The Yandex Direct user's settings for SMS and email notifications.

The Yandex Direct user's settings for SMS and email notifications.
OverdraftSumAvailable long

The overdraft limit currently available to the advertiser (see Payment deferral in the Help for Yandex Direct).

Returned as an integer that represents the overdraft limit in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

Phone string Phone number of the Yandex Direct user (255 characters maximum). Phone number of the Yandex Direct user (255 characters maximum).
Representatives array of Representative

The advertiser's representatives (see Registering representatives in the Help for Yandex Direct).

Returns all the representatives for the chief representative, or just the chief representative for a normal representative.

Agency representatives (see Managing agency representatives in the Help for Yandex.Direct).

For the chief representative, returns all the representatives; for all other representatives, returns just the chief representative.

Restrictions array of ClientRestrictionItem Limits on the number of objects for an advertiser.
Settings array of ClientSettingGetItem Advertiser settings that only allow YES or NO values.
Type string

Type of client:

  • CLIENT — Direct advertiser.

  • SUBCLIENT: An advertiser that is an agency client.

See Client.

Type of client: AGENCY.
VatRate decimal, nillable The VAT rate of the client who is making the payment, meaning the advertiser or agency. The agency's VAT rate.
ForbiddenPlatform ForbiddenPlatformEnum

Blocked sites:

  • NONE.
AvailableCampaignTypes AvailableCampaignTypesEnum

Campaign types available by login:

TinInfo TinInfoGet Tax data of the end-advertiser.
ErirAttributes ErirAttributesGet Additional advertiser data to label ads with.
GrantGetItem structure
Privilege PrivilegeEnum

Name of the permission:

Value YesNoEnum Whether the client has this permission.
Agency string The name of the advertising agency, if the permission is granted by an agency.
BonusesGet structure
AwaitingBonus decimal The bonus amount to be credited, with VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000. The bonus amount to be credited, with VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000.
AwaitingBonusWithoutNds decimal The bonus amount to be credited, without VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000. The bonus amount to be credited, without VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000.
NotificationGet structure
Lang LangEnum Language for notifications. Language for notifications.
SmsPhoneNumber string The phone number for sending SMS notifications from the user's Yandex profile (see Linking phone numbers in Yandex Passport Help). The phone number for sending SMS notifications from the user's Yandex profile (see Linking phone numbers in Yandex Passport Help).
Email string

The email address for sending notifications related to the account (no more than 255 characters).

The email address for sending notifications related to the account (no more than 255 characters).
EmailSubscriptions array of EmailSubscriptionItem Types of notifications to send by email.
EmailSubscriptionItem structure
Option EmailSubscriptionEnum

Type of notification:

  • RECEIVE_RECOMMENDATIONS: Yandex Direct news and recommendations.

  • TRACK_MANAGED_CAMPAIGNS: Notifications for campaigns that have a personal manager.

  • TRACK_POSITION_CHANGES: Warnings about traffic forecasts falling lower than the bid provided at the time of configuration.

Value YesNoEnum Whether to send this type of notification.
Representative structure
Login string Username. Username.
Email string Email address to send notifications to. Email address to send notifications to.
Role RepresentativeRoleEnum

The user's role:

  • CHIEF: Chief representative of the advertiser.
  • DELEGATE: An advertiser's representative with full access.
  • READONLY: A representative with “read only” access.
  • UNKNOWN: This role isn't supported in this version of the API.

See Roles and access of Yandex Direct users.

The user's role:

  • CHIEF: Chief representative of the agency.
  • DELEGATE: Representative of the agency.
  • LIMITED: Representative of the agency who manages clients.
  • UNKNOWN: This role isn't supported in this version of the API.

See Roles and access of Yandex Direct users.

ClientRestrictionItem structure
Element ClientRestrictionEnum

Name of the restriction:

  • CAMPAIGNS_TOTAL_PER_CLIENT: The maximum number of campaigns per advertiser.

  • CAMPAIGNS_UNARCHIVED_PER_CLIENT: The maximum number of unarchived campaigns per advertiser.

  • ADGROUPS_TOTAL_PER_CAMPAIGN: The maximum number of groups per campaign.

  • ADS_TOTAL_PER_ADGROUP: The maximum number of ads per group.

  • KEYWORDS_TOTAL_PER_ADGROUP: The maximum number of keywords per group.

  • AD_EXTENSIONS_TOTAL: The maximum number of ad extensions per advertiser.

  • STAT_REPORTS_TOTAL_IN_QUEUE: The maximum number of statistical reports being generated simultaneously.

  • FORECAST_REPORTS_TOTAL_IN_QUEUE: The maximum number of budget forecast reports stored on the server.

  • WORDSTAT_REPORTS_TOTAL_IN_QUEUE: The maximum number of search query statistics reports stored on the server.

  • API_POINTS: The daily limit of points.

  • GENERAL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST_SIZE: The maximum number of sites where ad serving is not allowed.

  • VIDEO_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST_SIZE: The maximum number of sites where serving video ads is not allowed.

Value int The limit value.
ClientSettingGetItem structure
Option ClientSettingGetEnum

Setting name:

  • CORRECT_TYPOS_AUTOMATICALLY: Automatically fix errors and typos.

  • DISPLAY_STORE_RATING: Add data from external sources to the ad (see Data from third parties in the Help for Yandex Direct).

  • SHARED_ACCOUNT_ENABLED: The shared account is enabled.

Value YesNoEnum Setting value.
TinInfoGet structure
TinType TinTypeEnum

Organization type:

  • LEGAL: A legal entity.
  • PHYSICAL: An individual.
  • INDIVIDUAL: An individual entrepreneur.
  • FOREIGN_LEGAL: A foreign legal entity.
  • FOREIGN_PHYSICAL: A foreign individual.
Tin string The taxpayer number or its equivalent in the country of registration.
ErirAttributesGet structure
Organization OrganizationGet Details about the organization of the end-advertiser.
Contract ContractGet Details of the contract of the client counterparty with the end-advertiser.
Contragent ContragentGet Information about the counterparty of the end-advertiser.
OrganizationGet structure
Name string Organization name.
EpayNumber string The number of the electronic payment instrument.
RegNumber string Registration number or its equivalent.
OksmNumber string Legal entity's code of the country of registration according to OKSM.
OkvedCode string Business category code according to OKVED.
ContractGet structure
Number string Contract number.
Date string Contract date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Type ContractTypeEnum

Type of contract:

  • CONTRACT: A service contract.

  • INTERMEDIARY_CONTRACT: An intermediary contract.

  • ADDITIONAL_AGREEMENT: An additional agreement.

    Attention. The ADDITIONAL_AGREEMENT value is obsolete and no longer valid.
ActionType ContractActionTypeEnum

Types of activities of the intermediary representative:

  • COMMERCIAL: Commercial representation.
  • DISTRIBUTION: Ad distribution activities.
  • CONCLUDE: Conclusion of contracts.
  • OTHER: Other activities.
SubjectType ContractSubjectTypeEnum

Contract subject:

  • REPRESENTATION: Representation activities.
  • MEDIATION: Mediation activities.
  • DISTRIBUTION: A contract for ad distribution.
  • ORG_DISTRIBUTION: A contract for organizing ad distribution.
  • OTHER: Other activities.
Price ContractPrice The value of the contract.
ContractPrice structure
Amount decimal The value of the contract.
IncludingVat YesNoEnum Whether VAT is included in the contract value.
ContragentGet structure
Name string Name.
Phone string Phone number.
EpayNumber string The number of the electronic payment instrument.
RegNumber string Registration number or its equivalent.
OksmNumber string Legal entity's code of the country of registration according to OKSM.
TinInfo TinInfoGet Tax details of the counterparty.
Parameter Type For an advertiser For an agency
Result structure (for JSON) / GetResponse (for SOAP)
Clients array of ClientGetItem Advertiser parameters and user settings for the advertiser's representative. Agency parameters and user settings for the agency's representative.
ClientGetItem structure
AccountQuality decimal, nillable Indicates the quality of the account (see the section Account quality index in the Help for Yandex.Direct).
Archived YesNoEnum Indicates that the advertiser is archived (inactive). Indicates that the agency is archived (inactive).
ClientId long Advertiser ID. Agency ID.
ClientInfo string

First and last name of the Yandex Direct user (no more than 255 characters).

First and last name of the Yandex Direct user (no more than 255 characters).
CountryId int ID of the advertiser's country from the reference list of regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.

ID of the agency's country from the reference list of regions.

To get the list of regions, use the Dictionaries.get method.

CreatedAt string

Date the user was registered in Yandex Direct, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Date the user was registered in Yandex Direct, in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Currency CurrencyEnum

The advertiser's currency.

To get the list of currencies, use the Dictionaries.get method.

Grants array of GrantGetItem The advertiser's permissions for campaign management.
Bonuses BonusesGet

The pending bonus to be credited. This parameter can be used only with the RUB currency.

The pending bonus to be credited. This parameter can be used only with the RUB currency.

Login string Username of the Yandex Direct user. Username of the Yandex Direct user.
Notification NotificationGet

The Yandex Direct user's settings for SMS and email notifications.

The Yandex Direct user's settings for SMS and email notifications.
OverdraftSumAvailable long

The overdraft limit currently available to the advertiser (see Payment deferral in the Help for Yandex Direct).

Returned as an integer that represents the overdraft limit in the advertiser's currency, multiplied by 1,000,000.

Phone string Phone number of the Yandex Direct user (255 characters maximum). Phone number of the Yandex Direct user (255 characters maximum).
Representatives array of Representative

The advertiser's representatives (see Registering representatives in the Help for Yandex Direct).

Returns all the representatives for the chief representative, or just the chief representative for a normal representative.

Agency representatives (see Managing agency representatives in the Help for Yandex.Direct).

For the chief representative, returns all the representatives; for all other representatives, returns just the chief representative.

Restrictions array of ClientRestrictionItem Limits on the number of objects for an advertiser.
Settings array of ClientSettingGetItem Advertiser settings that only allow YES or NO values.
Type string

Type of client:

  • CLIENT — Direct advertiser.

  • SUBCLIENT: An advertiser that is an agency client.

See Client.

Type of client: AGENCY.
VatRate decimal, nillable The VAT rate of the client who is making the payment, meaning the advertiser or agency. The agency's VAT rate.
ForbiddenPlatform ForbiddenPlatformEnum

Blocked sites:

  • NONE.
AvailableCampaignTypes AvailableCampaignTypesEnum

Campaign types available by login:

TinInfo TinInfoGet Tax data of the end-advertiser.
ErirAttributes ErirAttributesGet Additional advertiser data to label ads with.
GrantGetItem structure
Privilege PrivilegeEnum

Name of the permission:

Value YesNoEnum Whether the client has this permission.
Agency string The name of the advertising agency, if the permission is granted by an agency.
BonusesGet structure
AwaitingBonus decimal The bonus amount to be credited, with VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000. The bonus amount to be credited, with VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000.
AwaitingBonusWithoutNds decimal The bonus amount to be credited, without VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000. The bonus amount to be credited, without VAT. Returned as an integer multiplied by 1,000,000.
NotificationGet structure
Lang LangEnum Language for notifications. Language for notifications.
SmsPhoneNumber string The phone number for sending SMS notifications from the user's Yandex profile (see Linking phone numbers in Yandex Passport Help). The phone number for sending SMS notifications from the user's Yandex profile (see Linking phone numbers in Yandex Passport Help).
Email string

The email address for sending notifications related to the account (no more than 255 characters).

The email address for sending notifications related to the account (no more than 255 characters).
EmailSubscriptions array of EmailSubscriptionItem Types of notifications to send by email.
EmailSubscriptionItem structure
Option EmailSubscriptionEnum

Type of notification:

  • RECEIVE_RECOMMENDATIONS: Yandex Direct news and recommendations.

  • TRACK_MANAGED_CAMPAIGNS: Notifications for campaigns that have a personal manager.

  • TRACK_POSITION_CHANGES: Warnings about traffic forecasts falling lower than the bid provided at the time of configuration.

Value YesNoEnum Whether to send this type of notification.
Representative structure
Login string Username. Username.
Email string Email address to send notifications to. Email address to send notifications to.
Role RepresentativeRoleEnum

The user's role:

  • CHIEF: Chief representative of the advertiser.
  • DELEGATE: An advertiser's representative with full access.
  • READONLY: A representative with “read only” access.
  • UNKNOWN: This role isn't supported in this version of the API.

See Roles and access of Yandex Direct users.

The user's role:

  • CHIEF: Chief representative of the agency.
  • DELEGATE: Representative of the agency.
  • LIMITED: Representative of the agency who manages clients.
  • UNKNOWN: This role isn't supported in this version of the API.

See Roles and access of Yandex Direct users.

ClientRestrictionItem structure
Element ClientRestrictionEnum

Name of the restriction:

  • CAMPAIGNS_TOTAL_PER_CLIENT: The maximum number of campaigns per advertiser.

  • CAMPAIGNS_UNARCHIVED_PER_CLIENT: The maximum number of unarchived campaigns per advertiser.

  • ADGROUPS_TOTAL_PER_CAMPAIGN: The maximum number of groups per campaign.

  • ADS_TOTAL_PER_ADGROUP: The maximum number of ads per group.

  • KEYWORDS_TOTAL_PER_ADGROUP: The maximum number of keywords per group.

  • AD_EXTENSIONS_TOTAL: The maximum number of ad extensions per advertiser.

  • STAT_REPORTS_TOTAL_IN_QUEUE: The maximum number of statistical reports being generated simultaneously.

  • FORECAST_REPORTS_TOTAL_IN_QUEUE: The maximum number of budget forecast reports stored on the server.

  • WORDSTAT_REPORTS_TOTAL_IN_QUEUE: The maximum number of search query statistics reports stored on the server.

  • API_POINTS: The daily limit of points.

  • GENERAL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST_SIZE: The maximum number of sites where ad serving is not allowed.

  • VIDEO_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST_SIZE: The maximum number of sites where serving video ads is not allowed.

Value int The limit value.
ClientSettingGetItem structure
Option ClientSettingGetEnum

Setting name:

  • CORRECT_TYPOS_AUTOMATICALLY: Automatically fix errors and typos.

  • DISPLAY_STORE_RATING: Add data from external sources to the ad (see Data from third parties in the Help for Yandex Direct).

  • SHARED_ACCOUNT_ENABLED: The shared account is enabled.

Value YesNoEnum Setting value.
TinInfoGet structure
TinType TinTypeEnum

Organization type:

  • LEGAL: A legal entity.
  • PHYSICAL: An individual.
  • INDIVIDUAL: An individual entrepreneur.
  • FOREIGN_LEGAL: A foreign legal entity.
  • FOREIGN_PHYSICAL: A foreign individual.
Tin string The taxpayer number or its equivalent in the country of registration.
ErirAttributesGet structure
Organization OrganizationGet Details about the organization of the end-advertiser.
Contract ContractGet Details of the contract of the client counterparty with the end-advertiser.
Contragent ContragentGet Information about the counterparty of the end-advertiser.
OrganizationGet structure
Name string Organization name.
EpayNumber string The number of the electronic payment instrument.
RegNumber string Registration number or its equivalent.
OksmNumber string Legal entity's code of the country of registration according to OKSM.
OkvedCode string Business category code according to OKVED.
ContractGet structure
Number string Contract number.
Date string Contract date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Type ContractTypeEnum

Type of contract:

  • CONTRACT: A service contract.

  • INTERMEDIARY_CONTRACT: An intermediary contract.

  • ADDITIONAL_AGREEMENT: An additional agreement.

    Attention. The ADDITIONAL_AGREEMENT value is obsolete and no longer valid.
ActionType ContractActionTypeEnum

Types of activities of the intermediary representative:

  • COMMERCIAL: Commercial representation.
  • DISTRIBUTION: Ad distribution activities.
  • CONCLUDE: Conclusion of contracts.
  • OTHER: Other activities.
SubjectType ContractSubjectTypeEnum

Contract subject:

  • REPRESENTATION: Representation activities.
  • MEDIATION: Mediation activities.
  • DISTRIBUTION: A contract for ad distribution.
  • ORG_DISTRIBUTION: A contract for organizing ad distribution.
  • OTHER: Other activities.
Price ContractPrice The value of the contract.
ContractPrice structure
Amount decimal The value of the contract.
IncludingVat YesNoEnum Whether VAT is included in the contract value.
ContragentGet structure
Name string Name.
Phone string Phone number.
EpayNumber string The number of the electronic payment instrument.
RegNumber string Registration number or its equivalent.
OksmNumber string Legal entity's code of the country of registration according to OKSM.
TinInfo TinInfoGet Tax details of the counterparty.